If you feel beat up, and it has been quite the week this should make you smile.  Marjorie Taylor Greene is upset. Now, that’s not news in and of itself. What’s got her all outraged is that Fox News, FOX NEWS for chrissakes called her stupid. Or rather an idiot. The point is that she’s had a pretty bad week herself.  And now she’s got Fox piling on so as Raw Story tells us Maniac Marge found a safe space, Steve Bannon’s little daily hate fest to vent:

During an appearance on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, the Georgia congresswoman claimed vindication in her efforts to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on the grounds that she had supposedly exposed the Republican establishment for being in cahoots with Democrats

Personally I don’t think for a second Bannon disagrees with Fox’s assessment of MTG but he knows damn well that this is the kind of “gold” that will get attention for his little show. So, as the linked article notes he (my characterization, not Raw Story’s) egged her on:

“Because of your efforts… Politico’s reporting that [Democrats and Republicans] are going to have a formal power-sharing agreement!” Bannon exclaimed during the interview. “Now that you’ve smoked them out, they’ve had to come forward!”

Greene kept going, getting specific about some imagined power sharing deal Speaker Johnson has had, or just made or… she maybe can’t decide for sure with Democrats. If such a bargain has been struck it’s news to everyone else. I suppose it’s fair to say Johnson realized, because some (enough) Democrats publicly said so (unlike GOPers they keep their word) some old school horse trading went down.  In this case critical foreign aid needed to pass. Needed to pass months ago in fact. And there’s additional business that needs doing so the last thing the House needs is another cluster-f**k game of “Who’s Gonna Be Speaker?” For Democrats, Johnson is the proverbial Devil they know, and Democrats indicated if he’ll at least allow the House to function then enough will cross over to vote for him in a Speaker fight so he can keep his job.

Yo Marjie: That’s not power sharing but simple doing what you have to do so Congress can do the people’s business!  Even Fox seems to realize this and is worried about this fall. They’re probably going to lose the House already and the mess in the House might cost them regaining control of the Senate too. Should Biden win that means hopes of holding, or even improving their control of SCOTUS is gone so they want to see some semblance of normalcy – and MTG is doing all she can to prevent that.

She’s being stupid. No surprise there but Fox so pointedly calling her that isn’t just news, it’s news GOPers can use to borrow a phrase. For us? It’s entertainment! MTG of course doesn’t see the logic of Fox’s desire to see the GOP infighting die down. Like Bannon she wants to crash the whole damn system, soak it in gasoline and set it on fire. Which is why he has her on his show, and let’s her take up airtime driving her point home and in fact she did reiterate her complaint:

“Fox News called me an idiot!” Greene said. “That was literally their headline — they called me an idiot! But what I’ve done is expose what was already happening in the dark. And I think the beautiful thing about it is that I think Democrats have to come clean. They were controlling Mike Johnson anyways. He was giving them everything — wide-open border policy, fully funded.”

Greene also whined about Johnson fully funding DOJ and the FBI. If you’re thinking that seems weird from someone who’s biggest complaint four years ago was that Democrats was to “defund the police” you’re not alone. Of course she had plenty of company with fellow GOPers back then. Now the bulk of them are hoping the public has forgotten that. Well, hypocrisy is never in short supply in the modern GOP.

Well, I don’t know about you but I find it funny as hell that Margie’s fee-fees are hurt about Fox calling her what she is. A dumbass. For those with strong stomachs if you want to listen to a snippet of what I’ve written about that includes a bunch of other bullshit lies then here you go.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend, and if learning Fox has soured (even if only for a while) on MTG helps you start it with a smile on your face I’m happy to have helped.


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  1. “Fox News, FOX NEWS for chrissakes called her stupid.”

    Well, it’s hardly news is it?

    Fox ‘News’ , bringing you the 20th century in the 21st.



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