Imagine a world so screwed up where a politician who seeks to elevate herself from the governorship of a sparsely populated rural state to a major role in national politics believes that she can do so by sharing with the world that she’s a puppy assassin. Even Rod Serling would have quite a time wrapping his head around this. But wait, maybe this is an answer, ya spose?

That is one possibility. Here is another one.

Two possibilities, both strange, but then this entire topic has been uber Bizarro World since it broke late last week, spawning hash tags like #KristiNoemIsAMonster and #PuppyKiller. So let’s go straight to the source, shall we? Let’s summon some helpers in another dimension, say Dorothy in Oz, and her Munchkin buddies, and get their help stringing camera equipment through the Twilight Zone and straight to Puppy Heaven. What’s that you say? Toto is demanding that we do this? I’ll bet he is. Let’s ask Cricket to give us his side of the story. And Cricket’s Sheltie buddy has two cents to kick in as well.

Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. This is only the beginning. If Trump is nuts enough to pick Kristi Noem as his VP, these clips and others like them are going to be playing 24/7 during the campaign.

I think Kari Lake is out of the running (not that she was ever that much in it) and now Kristi Noem. It’s down to Elise Stefanik and possibly Tim Scott, although I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Trump might play the two of them off each other for a while, just to see which one can abase him or herself the most. And the same with J.D. Vance.

What an election year and it’s not even May. Trump has not chimed in on the puppy controversy. He’s back in New York City tonight and in Trump Tower, so that he can rage tweet in the wee hours, rise, get into hair and makeup, have the Secret Service take him to Manhattan, where he will be nodding and napping in a few hours. Maybe some reporter will ask him about Noem and Cricket.


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  1. All through my teenage years my dad had a dislike for Ruff that bordered on hatred. But he never shot him! And when Trump bit Aunt Jerrie (long story but she had it coming and it was on my mom’s behalf) when dad got home later and heard the story he was delighted! After that as far as he was concerned Ruff was the best dog in town. When told Aunt Jerrie was demanding Ruff be put down (it was one bite, in her calf – deep enough to draw a little blood but not severe. It was more of a “message” and he ran right back to me and jumped back in my lap) dad said not to worry. He’d call in the morning and make Uncle Frank got her to back off – or have to deal with HIM which no doubt scared the shit out of Uncle Frank. Dad wasn’t mean or violent but when his back was up NO one messed with him.

    If there’s a real world beyond the Rainbow Bridge Cricket will have found a best bud in Ruff. Come to think of it my spaniels too. Especially Sparky who was pretty rambunctuous!

  2. So this stupid woman kills a puppy and a goat. And writes that she was stupid to have to go get a second bullet for the goat. And then is dumb enough to write about it. And then doubles down trying to defend her stupidity, twice, because her first defense bombed. Even the RWNJ/MAGAhat think she’s nuts. What does that tell you?

    And once you get past what she did to animals, let us not forget what she did to HUMANS during Covid!!! Killer, all around killer, the b*tch plays no favorites.

    A trash human if there ever was one.

    PS – Trump Tower IS in Manhattan. They just have to drive him down to the courthouse.

  3. I had good friends who had a Rottweiler. Not a nice dog but not a bad dog. Just protective. Once we came to visit on the motorcycle and they were all up at the pool. The dog greeted us. I was off the bike talking nice to the dog when he came at me, tearing my jeans from thigh to below the knee. No broken skin but I screamed. Our friends came running. I explained that I understood the dog didn’t know me and was protecting the homestead. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have gone after skin, not clothes. Later that day, after we left, they shot the dog. They told me next visit that they had young grandchildren and couldn’t have a mean dog around. It wasn’t a mean dog. They shot a dog for protecting their property. It never would have harmed their grandkids, especially since the dog knew them. I’ve felt guilty about this ever since. Not my fault but a result of my visit. Some people are just a bit “off”. People are very strange and mean as well. Bad memories…

  4. First of all, why wasn’t the dog on a leash in a farmyard? A hunting dog WILL hunt – it’s as simple as that

    She claimed it tried to bite her – a dog that is going to attack won’t ‘try’ to bite – it WILL bite.

    I’d hazard a guess and say the dog wasn’t ‘untrainable’ – she simply doesn’t know how to train a dog

    • There is no such thing as a bad dog-only bad humans. The world will be a better place when the rhymes with hunt noem no longer lives upon it. That said, I hope this shines a bright spot light on animal cruelty/abuse so that it can be fought.

  5. The abuse committed by the rhymes with hunt noem was the only thing she could do? What? Are there no animal shelters in the entire shithole state of s.d.? I call it a shithole state because what else could it be with a rhymes with hunt like her as governor.

    Is there ANY way to bring the law down on her worthless ass? If not, she is truly a danger to society and must be dealt with-maybe like the way she deals with animals…? Seems like an excellent solution.



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