We have always had mass murderers among us. Caryl Chessman, Albert DeSalvo, Gary Gilmore, John wayne Gacy, Richard Speck, Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrew Cunanan. They all shared 3 things in common. They were all loners, they were all losers, and they all killed up close and personal.

But they all shared one more thing in common. None of them had access to the internet. What notoriety they garnered, they garnered from national media due to the horrific nature of their crimes. They all had their own personal quirks and methods, and none of them were copycats.

What do the majority of mass murderers in the last decade have in common. Let’s see. They’re almost all white. They’re all between the ages of 17-24. They’re all losers. Almost all of them are Incels, incapable of maintaining personal relationships. In short, they’re all losers. And they all had access to high capacity semi automatic weapons.

But you know what else they all have? They have access to a whole network of kindred spirits that none of the old time loner losers have. They have access to a vast array of online websites and chat rooms that deal specifically with their own quirks. These losers all have access to other soulless losers, commiserating with each other, and working themselves up to take that final drastic step.

Joy Reid put the contrast beautifully today on The Reid Out. She related the story of a truly barbaric set of videos that became briefly popular in the 1980’s, called Faces of Death. I remember those, they were little more than snuff films without the actual moment of death. They showed fatal shootings, stabbings, beheadings, car crashes, train wrecks, dismemberments, you name it. Exactly the kind of thing that these social retards are viewing today online for cheap thrills.

It was MSNBC social media guru Ben Collins who made the point when he said, That’s true Joy, but back in the 80’s, people couldn’t watch Faced of Death, and then go into a chatroom with 5000 people who had all just watched Faces of Death. They draw strength from each other.

And that’s the real problem right there, because their online conversations are protected speech under the First Amendment. Collins spoke of one young loser whose online persona was Future Mass Murderer. Law enforcement paid him a little visit, and his answer was, Aw, no. I’m just trolling online. It’s fun. That was the end of the story, until he went out and shot up a school.

These days, these assholes have their own internal online support network, and there’s not much the cops can do about it, except to troll to look for suspicious purchases of semi automatic weapons and ammunition. Unless we somehow or other find the balls to legislate and enact a permanent assault weapons ban, along with a ban on high capacity clips, there’s little we can do. Look at recent history. They all look basically the same, dress the same, put out the same lame ass manifestos. Because they can, and with complete impunity.

We have to enact a national assault weapon ban, and enforce it with a national buyback program. Nothing else will work. Illinois has fairly strict gun laws, but neighboring states like Indiana and Missouri are pretty much giving the goddamn things away. The madness has to stop!


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  1. From that picture, I presume that their response to the news that gunshot is the leading cause of death for children in the USA, is…

    Arm all the children.


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