Obviously, I have no idea when Christ is coming back to this world. All I can say that now would be a good time for him to show up, not only because this distraught and troubled world is so in need of spiritual and religious guidance, but simply to save his own reputation. The things that the people who call themselves his disciples, “Christians” say, are simply appalling.

The far-right Xians have been a splinter group in the GOP for quite some time and they’ve always been a colossal pain in the butt. Even Barry Goldwater said so back in the day. Goldwater said that “Christians believe that they are acting in the name of God so they can’t and won’t compromise.”

The more extreme Christian Nationalists simply do not see how crazy they sound. This guy is the poster child. He seriously is conflating the disdain for Christian Nationalists in this country, due to their unconstitutional demands about church and state being one,  with the genocide in Rwanda and Nazi Germany. The mind reels.

If you want a good thumbnail sketch of what happened in Rwanda in the 1990’s, here’s  one from the BBC. Lists of “enemies” were prepared by the insurgent government and entire families were wiped out. Tutsi women were kidnapped and forced to become sex slaves. And this wingnut would have you believe that the current political climate in the United States under Joe Biden is such that this could happen here.

On a certain level this is comical, but at some point it becomes disturbing.

That said, I will always keep an eye firmly planted on Right Wing Watch. I made that decision in 2016, when I began to go back over tapes that they had collected from 2012 to 2016. The cultural sickness in this country had taken root at that time and I was unaware of it. That’s why the 2016 election threw me for such a loop. In the world I was living in, in my head, there was no way a creature like Donald Trump could get the nomination by the GOP, let alone win the presidency. But when I began looking at old clips from Right Wing Watch, I saw how it came to be. It didn’t happen overnight. The signs were all there, we just weren’t paying attention.

It became clear to me how Trump had come out of the shadows and was able to pull the inside straight that he did.

Many people say that we (“we” being Democrats or leftist bloggers) are wrong to amplify the voices of these wingnuts. Wrong. We NEED to expose the fact that they are out there and what they are doing.

Vigilance is the price of liberty. I was blindsided in 2016. I remember going to sleep devastated in the wee hours of November 9, 2016 and waking up depressed shortly before noon. I vowed at that time that I would understand what had happened and never, ever be taken off guard again.

This website is dedicated to that principle, of knowing what is going on in the world of politics and never being blindsided.

I became a different person after the 2016 election. I sadly came to understand that I was no longer living in the America I had grown up in. I never want to experience that kind of ice water in the face, rude awakening again.



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  1. Pbs is running a documentary on the rise of Hitler & nazi Germany as I type. Check it out. TO HELL WITH ALL NAZI SCUM NO MATTER WHAT THEY CLAIM TO BELIEVE OR WHAT THEY CALL THEMSELVES. THEY LIE & FOLLOW EVIL LIARS & KILLERS.

  2. It’s folks like this nut that seriously make me wish that someone would invent a functioning time machine so we can round up all these oh-so-persecuted “Christians” and take them back to a time when Christians faced REAL persecution (many times involving some very hungry lions and other large animals). They want to claim persecution, I say let them face it under REAL conditions.

    Hell, I’d be willing to drop them off during the 16th or 17th centuries in Europe during a period of interdenominational war when Protestants were killed by Catholics and Catholics were killed by Protestants simply for not worshiping the “right” way. (I’m willing to bet most of these morons would find themselves being “persecuted” in Puritan Massachusetts for holding some beliefs that the Puritans objected to–like openly celebrating Christmas.)

  3. As an observer outside looking in (i.e. non-xtian) I am considerably more worried about the genocide of non-xtians or more specifically the genocide or exile of Jews, Muslims, etc. and the enslavement of anyone not xtian remaining. These people are stupid enough to obey whatever their church leaders order. Hell, a number of them have been obeying the orange idiot’s orders to violence.

    This moron is like all the other con xtians-dumber than a bag of hammers.


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