While Pence Echoes Trump Madness ‘Caravan Is An Assault’ Exhausted Children Drop In Their Tracks


This pre-election troop deployment stunt on the part of Trump and the GOP has gone way too far. Now Mike Pence is doing his stable Republican daddy endorsement of this ridiculousness.

Here’s Donald Trump’s boogie man, coming to get you in your homes.

These people are not “very bad thugs and gang members” they are deeply impoverished people escaping violence — and most of them are kids.  Huffington Post:

The reality, some experts said, is that the caravan is full of children who have embarked on a physically and mentally grueling trip to escape life-threatening situations in Central America. About half of the estimated 4,000 people in the caravan are children, ranging in age from 1-month-old babies to teenagers.

The more than two-week-long journey, which has reached southern Mexico, has at times involved walking for up to seven hours in 104-degree temperatures without access to clean water. The migrants are forced to sleep on the ground and don’t have enough blankets.

Some advocates who traveled with the caravan told HuffPost that for most of the journey, migrants have not had steady access to clean water, meaning the children either drank contaminated water that made them ill or they became dehydrated. (Last week, UNICEF dropped off 20,000 liters of safe drinking water.)

Carlos Mendoza, the content manager at Amnesty International Americas, recalled watching a barefoot toddler faint while holding his mother’s hand in Tapachula, a city in southern Mexico.

These are the facts that nobody in this administration can be troubled to read, because they’re too busy creating pro-Trump optics.

Not only is Pence on board for this, so is James Mattis. ABC News:

Earlier Wednesday, asked if the deployment of active duty troops was a political stunt ahead of the midterms, Defense Secretary James Mattis said those forces are in support of the Department of Homeland Security “who needs additional military assistance.”

“We don’t do stunts in this department,” Mattis said on Wednesday.

The hell you don’t.

Of all of Trump’s publicity stunts and photo ops, this is the most unfair and egregious of all. This is shameful. Worse than that, this is completely un-American.

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