“I eat the air promise crammed.” — Hamlet

I just thought of a new post-indictment, post-incarceration career for Donald Trump. This is something that he can do in his cell and televise out on GETTR VIII, or Lastogram, or any social media network that might exist at the time. That is, he can do a cooking show and explain to viewers how you whip up a yummy morsel using only state secrets and screw ups for your ingredients.

Thank about it now. We could have Insurrection S’mores, where you mash cops and other officials between graham cracker doors and cover them in chocolate. And then there’s Hostess Penceballs, where a marshmallow Mike Pence gets covered in sprinkles as he runs for the exits and then slapped on a shortcake.

Trump can create all these culinary delights and more from the comfort of his cell in Guantanamo. With any luck, he’ll have his children at his side to help him and Melania will have run off with Barron to the Trump International in East Slovenia, where she speaks the one language she is actually fluent in, money.

We know now that Trump had quite a few records that he walked off with and took to Mar-a-Lago. Some he tore up and apparently some he ate. Glenn Kirschner does a synopsis of this and more.

If I had to take a guess at what Trump actually would have chewed up, it would have been some of his more damning conversations with either Vladimir Putin or Rudy Giuliani. That’s where I would look first if I was the J6 Committee.

Secondly, it would be interesting to know if he ever took notes on anything having to do with Jeffrey Epstein? I’m sure quite a few people would find that intriguing.

The government finally got Al Capone over income tax. Maybe our government will finally get Trump over the Presidential Records Act.



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  1. He’s always had an aversion to any records/documentation of his interactions with others. Never had an email account and by all indications never sent any emails or responded to any sent to one of his people for him to read. Hell, he blasted lawyers for taking notes which is something any competent lawyer does reflexively. I’m sure his asshole puckered up tighter than a drum every time he had no choice but to sign his name to an actual contract or tax return. His ripping up stuff in the Oval Office and throwing it in the trash, on the floor/about the room or at some staffer (when he was in tantrum mode) was reported fairly early in his administration right down to the details of staffers having to be assigned to scotch tape the stuff back together to comply with the Presidential Records Act. I’m sure he went spastic when he learned about THAT. I wonder how many staffers he outright threatened to keep them from taping stuff back together and turning it over to the National Archives as required by law. What I find most troubling however is the recent revelation that somehow he learned about burn bags, and sometimes had stuff sealed in them and taken over to the Pentagon to be incinerated. (I actually have some knowledge and experience with burn bags) and he put DOD personnel in a helluva position with that kind of thing. Again, direct threats had to have been issued and few active duty personnel would, even knowing that carrying out an order even from the WH to burn documents was an illegal one have the courage to refuse. And report it, including leaking to the media if superiors in the chain of command didn’t put a stop to the practice. Some mid level Officer staffing the operation that handled burn bags and wanting to make it to twenty years would, and apparently did decide their career and pension were worth more than following the law.

    I suppose that a special protocol could have been written for the Pentagon to burn bags from the Oval Office but it would take an order from the National Command Authority. For you civilians the NCA is the sitting President. How much do you want to bet that the Pentagon can’t produce an order containing legal permission and protocols for burning stuff Trump wanted burned?

    Ordinarily this is a story that would dominate the news, but we are talking about Trump’s outrages and there are so freaking many of them it’s lost in the sea of floating turds he’s created.

    • I think this is why several unconstructed documents exist. The burn bags went to the Pentagon, the Pentagon sent them onto National Archives to reassemble and determine whether they fell under the Presidential Records Act or no. Mattis was in charge of DoD for most of TFG’s tenure and he was no pushover when it came to what was right and legal or not.

      • Sounds right, Tucker. Trump remains the kind of unimaginative asshole who expected his orders to be carried out to the letter under the logic of “Do you know who I am?!” It does much to explain his inability to cover ANYTHING up.

    • “Some mid level Officer staffing the operation that handled burn bags and wanting to make it to twenty years would, and apparently did decide their career and pension were worth more than following the law.”

      And if they were caught “obeying orders” (or, more appropriate for the Trump era, “following orders” like the concentration camp guards) they would’ve kissed their careers and pensions goodbye as they spent a good portion of the rest of their lives in prison.

      • Oh, I don’t know Joe. NONE of the people caught on tape storming the capital as armed fascist, resulting in 5 deaths & hundreds injured, have received lengthy prison sentences. Only one I’ve heard of got 44 months. Hell I know people that got longer time as political prisoners of nixon’s cannabis laws. Hell even the poor lady in TN got 68 months for being a black activist trying to legally straighten out her voter registration. Trump again broke federal law thousands of time over 4 years, deliberately hiding his activities. Crickets. I’m sure he’s headed to double secret probation real soon. AND I’m sure they will “round up the usual suspects”.

  2. I will personally be very happy to see the Trump era gone. It was very entertaining to watch that clown on the news every morning of his presidency. He loved cameras.

  3. All I can say is that history will not be kind to tRump but that doesn’t address his lawbreaking during his time in office and this lack of action I blame on the republican party for protecting a lawbreaker within it’s ranks.

    • History is written by the winners. The jury is still out whether the rational people, who value truth & social justice, will overcome the mob of cult members, many highly placed in government with fucking law degrees. If not, Trump will go down as a fucking hero. I won’t be here cuz fascism doesn’t tolerate folks like me.


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