To normalize the unthinkable is a key element of the fascist gameplan. We saw that in Germany, when Hitler sent the faction of the country which he deemed The Other to concentration camps. Fascism can only flourish if violence is normalized as an acceptable way for a government to behave. Nikki Haley had a boffo morning today, where she not only openly lied about the $6 billion worth of frozen Iranian assets currently in a Qatari bank, but she normalized Donald Trump’s call to execute General Mark Milley for treason. She minimized it as “irresponsible.” Not disqualifying mind you, merely irresponsible. And isn’t being irresponsible a disqualifier in and of itself for the office of POTUS? That’s my question, not Kristen Welker’s, are you kidding? You think she would ask the obvious.

Or another follow up question, “What if Trump wanted to execute everybody he gave a derogatory nickname to and that would include you, Birdbrain?” And Welker didn’t ask about Birdbrain, of course, because she might lose her access and can’t have that. What good “access” does when it results in these soft ball nothing burger interviews, I would like someone to explain to me.

Haley subscribes to this enabling posture that the GOP has taken of, “oh, it’s just Donald running his mouth again. He does that. Pay no attention.” That isn’t leadership, that’s burning a blind eye and a deaf ear to a wanna be dictator attempting to get back in office. Haley is no alternative. She’s just a weak sister in an entire covey of creepy also-ran catastrophic candidates.

The interview today illustrates the bottom we have reached in this country. The so-called journalist is afraid to pin down the candidate on her obvious and open lies, or to get her to clarify how irresponsibility is in and of itself a disqualifying characteristic in a presidential candidate, because to do so might lose her access. The candidate is a fence sitter whose policy statements are so vague and fleeting that they might as well be posted on a weather vane, for all the wild and inconsistent spinning that they do. In essence, both parties here are just going through the motions and pretending this is actual political discourse and commentary. It is not. It is bullshit and a waste of time.

I think Kristen Welker sucks as bad or worse than Chuck Todd and that’s saying a mouthful. If mainstream media doesn’t change its tactics soon and become fact and reality oriented, I honestly don’t know what’s going to become of this country.

We go to the political commentary shows, at least in theory, for news and information and to gain insight. We need interviews of depth and substance in order to gain insight and there is none of that here. Welker is looking out for her best interests and trying not to offend and Haley is looking out for her best interests spewing the Republican party line — which in this case includes conspiracy theory and a refusal to check the excesses of Donald Trump. Again. Is this what we’re going to watch for another year? Unless something happens to cause a seismic change, I would say yes.


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  1. Welker didn’t push back. I remember Rim Russert blasting Michael Chertoff over Katrina. TO HIS FACE, ON AIR. This is disgusting.

  2. I remember the quote from Charlie Manson:”Hitler was a tuned in man who just want to level the Karma of the Jews.” I’m pretty sure if Manson was still around, he’d feel the same about Trump and leveling the Karma of a few more groups.

  3. How can the spouse of a deployed service member be so cruel as to not condemn all of Inmate #P01135809’s anti-military statements?! I guess her husband is not a loved one!


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