Winning is a word we’ve heard a lot of the past several years. “Winning” and “losers” are two of the 200 words in Donald Trump’s vocabulary, so naturally we heard them a lot. But Trump’s brand of “winning” and what Volodymyr Zelenskyy is talking about in this clip are two totally different things.

Zelenskyy speaks from the heart, here, and speaks to the heart. I don’t know about you, but my heart heard him.

This man is a freedom fighter and exemplifies the best in human nature.

We have forgotten this in America. I saw this same kind of attitude with the WWII generation. Sadly, there are very few of them left.

In later years wars became unpopular and the lines about what we were actually fighting for became blurred. Vietnam was a disaster in all senses, the war itself, the optics of the war, what it did to this nation, we could go on and on.

But Zelenskyy is the image of what it is to fight for freedom. This is a good thing to see. It’s tragic what is happening in Ukraine but this spirit of fighting for freedom and for the right to live in a democracy is a wonderful thing to behold.

This is what democracy is all about and this is what Vladimir Putin is trying to eradicate from the face of the earth, this kind of spirit. Remember that the next time you hear a right-wing or GOP apology for Putin.


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  1. Personally, I think we always knew what you’re talking about, Ursula. We’d just lost our ability to believe it was still was around or even possible. But every day, in every way, Ukraine, from President Zelinskyy on down, reminds us of the truth. However long this horror lasts, let us keep sight of that truth. Slava Ukraini!

  2. I look at what’s happening both in Ukraine and here with an entire network’s primetime lineup peddling propaganda and conservatives from top elected officials (not to mention TFG) on down buying Putin’s bullshit and once again feel betrayed. The emptiness that was so swiftly filled with overwhelming grief as November 8, 2016 turned into the morning of November 9 and I was confronted with the words President Elect Donald Trump. I knew it would be bad, even horrific but sadly I underestimated the damage he would inflict, in no small part at the instruction of his buddy Putin. The realization that over sixty million people would vote for such a person, followed by over seventy million doing so in 2020 convinced me not just my own service, but that of my father who suffered so much as well as that of countless others (both in uniform and in other ways) didn’t mean shit.

    Now, even though I went to a portal that screens people willing to go I got a polite no thanks – I’m old and have a variety of health issues. And the hurt is strong because while I’d be willing to wield only a rifle back during the Cold War I was specifically trained to wield heavy anti-tank missiles. And to use explosives. I have exactly the skill set that’s needed and a place worth using it. And unlike here, virtually every citizen would appreciate any service I could provide. And if the worst were to happen, even if what was left of me never made it home any people of Ukrainian heritage would show up at the cemetery for a gathering to at least hear Taps played on a cell phone at my father’s grave – for the both of us. Unlike goddamned near everyone in the town where I grew up. IF that seditionist piece of shit Representative Mike Bost were to decide it might wind up coming in handy as a photo op (hedging his bets) I would ask he be barred from getting anywhere near things.

    Sadly, I’m not on my way (if not already there) doing what I was trained to do, and what so many of my fellow citizens should be jumping at the chance to do which is to show Putin that his dream of a new USSR is NEVER going to happen! I know all the reasons for us and NATO not directly intervening and I get the concerns. But I also know what’s about to happen and if you think it’s bad now I can assure you it will be getting much, much worse. My country and others can put an end to this. I get that people fear an exchange of ICBMs between Russia and other countries including us. I will never till the day I die forget the visible fear on the faces of every adult during those awful weeks in October, 1962. The fear it seemed was in the very air we were breathing, so thick you could cut it with a knife. I get that anyone old enough to remember that time doesn’t want a repeat of the experience.

    But I don’t see a choice anymore. Putin isn’t backing down. Instead he’s doubling down and the more he gets away with in Ukraine the more he will attempt to get away with in the near future in other places. Supplying weapons to Ukraine can only do so much. A months or years long insurgency will Putin has bet will break the resolve of the free world on the sanctions. I think he’s right. And the consequences should he stay in power even for a few more years are too terrible to contemplate. It’s going to come down to an all out fight sooner or later. It might as well be now.

  3. At 68, I was around for everything from Kennedy being shot, watching my 5th grade teacher collapse on the floor in tears, to getting a draft lottery number at Carolina when Nixon ended the student deferment. King, my idol, was killed when I was 14. Bobby killed later that year. My 5 uncles fought in ww2, getting my grandparents’ picture in the mount airy paper. They never said a word about it to me. My other uncle was one of the original green berets, wounded 3x in Vietnam. My dad was a 17yr air force veteran & was a Korean war vet. No one mentioned anything to me. My roommate was an organizer for war resisters & a radical pacifist. I never could argue that violence was the solution, but I always countered with there are some psychopaths, like Hitler that left no alternative, & would happily continue with genocide. I never planned to join the military but a friend’s suicide turned my world upside down & I went from being a hippie on McCauley Street living with radical quakers to boot camp. The one piece of luck was Carter was president, being a man with high moral character, so I wasn’t sent to war. Most have either never served or forgotten those who did. We have to find a way to live together without killing each other, but after all this time, I’m still at a loss about what to do with truly evil men in power. President Zelinsky has children. The bravery & high moral character of this man is truly amazing. He could have enriched himself & stayed safe by playing along with Trump & putin. I’ve read a lot of pulizer prize winning history books. He reminds me of George Washington, who single handedly kept the continental army together against the most powerful military force on earth at the time, without the support of congress or many citizens who didn’t want to leave the security of the king. We wouldn’t have a country otherwise. I hope our citizens realize that EVERYTHING we have today is because of sacrifice. I hope our generation doesn’t abandon freedom in favor of comfort. If we allow liars & traitors to continue without punishment, we will be destroyed from within. That isn’t fake news. It’s as real as it gets. Our children deserve our best. President Zelinsky may get himself killed but he won’t give up his children’s future without a fight. Neither should we.

  4. What next? Dems joining the Azov Battalion, waving fash flags and quoting fash slogans?
    Is it a secret what Azov did to LPR and DPR? 14,000 including 500 kids killed?
    Is it a secret that Zelenski was going to produce a nuke?
    Is it a secret that the US lies itself into wars of aggression?
    I voice these opinions and fash Dems accuse me of being a Trumpster. Lies and insults are their currency to buy dead kids.
    I voted for Robespierre. He might be dead but that’s just a technicality. He’s as dead as the people Obama, Hillary and Biden killed in Libya. Another technicality that’s called murder.

  5. Just to mention: Hillary, Obama and Biden killed a million people in their wars of aggression.
    Where were the bleeding hearts then?
    They have no shame or morality.

    • And in what countries pray tell did Hillary, Obama and Biden initiate wars of aggression that killed a million people? You say shit like that but saying/writing it doesn’t make it true!


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