This is pure black comedy and if it wasn’t for the fact that this is a drop dead serious issue and people are dying and fleeing for their lives, this would be comical. Donald Trump has all the answers — except that he has none.

But he will tell you this: if the Ukrainians are doing as well as they are, it’s because of him. And if he was in the White House, he could handle this in a New York Minute.

Listen and be stunned.

If you haven’t been keeping up, Trump is not only responsible for the welfare of the Ukrainians, he is responsible for NATO’s continuance. Uh, huh.

So, now class let’s review:

  1. Who is the bestest, most wonderful prez of all time?
  2. Who is responsible for saving NATO — an organization that he never even understood, he just characterized them as deadbeats?
  3.  Who is the heart and soul of the Ukrainian fighting effort?
  4. Who could just saunter into Putey Poo’s office tomorrow and get a deal on the table and end the war?

If you answered Donald Trump to all of the above questions, then you know how he thinks.

And his minions and acolytes believe all this and Fox News keeps giving him the platform.

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  1. To paraphrase one of the best exit lines in Breaking Bad: “Donnie, shut the f*** up and let the Ukrainians die in peace.” And Putin too, one would hope.

  2. I can’t wait for the time when Ukranians can look to rebuilding their country. And as they do so express their feelings about Trump. I’m quite sure that once they learn about this bullshit they will have plenty to say and Trump ain’t gonna like it! He’s banned from twitter but will have folks post his bullshit and get ratioed in the extreme!

  3. His convenient memory: if it benefits him, in any possible way, he’s for it.
    He seems not to get that most of us don’t have memories that work that way.
    STFU, Donnie!

  4. Former guy could not negotiate his way out of a small, wet, paper bag. How this country did not completely collapse under the weight of his stupidity astounds me.


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