Oh, man. March is getting off to one hell of a start. You saw the right-wing animals doing their zoo antics last night at President Biden’s State of the Union address. Today, we see the Russian ambassador to the United Nations tout the Big Lie.

Okey doke. The battle lines are drawn. I daresay that this comment was spurred on in no small part by the fact that the Ukrainian ambassador, the plain spoken, no bullshit Sergiy Kyslytsya, got a standing ovation last night at the SOTU speech, where he was a guest of the First Lady.

By the way, have you noticed that Republican talking points and Russian talking points are now one and the same? Just asking.

And another thing you can read between the lines: Putin was very sad Trump wasn’t reelected so that he could just saunter into Ukraine, like he was going down the boulevard for a vodka, and take over. And he wants his lap dog back in the White House.


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  1. Heard an interesting theory about this invasion…it was meant to be launched in early 2020. But thanks to COVID (none of which was helped by Putin and Trump’s actions during the pandemic), it got delayed. But Putin thought “no big deal, I’ll get Donnie reelected”…and then didn’t. And here we are…

    Ambassador is probably saying this BS because what’s left of the Trump cult is about the international support they’ve got left. If you’re relying on MAGA to bail your overdrawn ass out, you are as so screwed that you may as well start digging your own grave.

    • They have very little international support, judging from the vote at the general assembly. It was 141-5, with many not there or abstaining.

  2. EXACTLY! Putin choose WAR, thinking Trump was going to “help” somehow! Putin chose POORLY! RW think, because they have RICH “BACKERS”, they can CONQUER/HAVE whatever they want! WRONG….YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WRONG!

  3. Oh there mad, money is drying up, where are they going to go? News media, churches, and politicians are all going bat crazy, When you sell your soul, to the devil you should have known from your bible just how the money changers were punished.

    • Yeah check out the 40days in the desert. The devil offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world & said they were given to him to do as he pleased. Jesus wasn’t recorded as saying, “you can’t offer what u don’t have or that’s just not true,etc.”. The evidence has been in over human history…clear that jesus’ golden rule gets pissed on daily. Piles of dead children sacrificed for selfish goals. If that’s not evidence, what is?

  4. Expect anything different? I wouldn’t last in public office. Same reason I didn’t go to Duke divinity school. I would have started with: first thing for all of u to grasp is I’m not running a fucking popularity contest! It would go downhill from there. Biden showed great restraint. Guess it’s all his experience dealing with elected aholes over the years. I ride around with two signs on my truck…R= putin’s party; & a Ukrainian flag on the back. Time for timidity is wayyyy past. This is war.

  5. The question reporters should be posing to EVERY Republican (over, and over and over) should be confronted with the fact Russia is using Trump’s big lie as a justification for their war and that even if they personally didn’t take part most in their Party did, AND that a strong majority of Republicans support it AND oppose the investigation into the riot at the Capitol. And then pose the question of how can they stand there all of a sudden and claim support for Ukraine? Why are they not DEMANDING that every Republican rebuke Trump and kick him out of the Party, banning him from running ever again as a Republican? Why are they not moving to kick every Republican stlll supporting Trump’s big lie out of their Party? They should keep hammering stuff like this, shouting if they have to and not air ONE SINGLE WORD of whatever the person they are interviewing wants to talk about unless/until they get a strong denouncement of Trump and other Republicans who still support him and his big lie!

    It will never happen of course. Among the fabulously rich and powerful people who own and/or sit in the executive suites of EVERY (including the so-called “liberal” mainstream media/press) major media outlet are people who benefited greatly from Trump’s (and the GOP before him) tax cuts and gutting of regulations that allowed them to gobble up competitors until only a handful of them get to control the flow of news.

    • The reason the GOP isn’t going to turn on Trump is because of his supporters. We had this same thing happen back in 2010 when the Teabaggers threatened to pull out of the GOP (which is where the overwhelming majority were in terms of party support) if *their* people didn’t get on the GOP primary ballots and the GOP powers that be at the time (with Mitch McConnell at the top of the heap) caved so fast and so hard it could be measured on the Richter scale.

      The Party was scared that they might wind up in a minority position if the Teabaggers went their own way so it sold its integrity at near light speed. The GOP has been all about grabbing and keeping power it doesn’t care what it has to do to get it (well, short of actually doing something to benefit the little people).

  6. This from an ambassador of a country which claimed Ukraine was committing genocide. Yeah, I’ll definitely take that one to the bank.


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