Ric Grenell is one of those people who is despised by all who meet him. Donald Trump sent him to Germany to be the ambassador there and the German people loathed him. His next appointment to Acting Director of National Intelligence was likewise met with horror. He has since taken up the mantle of the Big Lie.

Apparently, the Ultra MAGAs are very threatened by the idea that the Department of Homeland Security is establishing an office to fight rampant disinformation. This hits them where they live, for reasons only they know.

What is known is that Grenell spoke recently with Marsha Blackburn and the power that he says that DHS has and what he claims that can do is unbelievable. Listen to it and then we’ll talk dystopian sci fi.

Do you recall a Stephen King novel from the mid-80’s which was made into a Schwarzenegger movie? It was set in the year 2017, right after an election, which saw a totalitarian in the White House (they got that part right, I give them credit) and worldwide economic collapse. It’s bread and circus time and the government pacifies the populace through a violent reality TV show, The Running Man, a game show, where criminals fight for their lives as “runners” fleeing from armed mercenaries named the “stalkers” to earn a government pardon. I’m frankly amazed that Trump didn’t think of trying something like this, seriously.

The Schwarzenegger character doesn’t want to shoot into a crowd of people during a food riot so he gets on the wrong side of the feds. They then shut down his ATM card, take away his access to his apartment, everything that is electronically controlled. And think about it. Nowadays, that’s how it is. People don’t keep a lot of cash. Hotel rooms haven’t used keys in years, maybe apartments will be next. We all deal with electronic deposits and debits, automatic payments. The last time I had cash in my hands was when I gave a street musician a donation, a few months ago. I rarely handle cash and almost never write checks.

Now, Ric Grenell would have you believe that the freaking Department of Homeland Security has the same power as the totalitarian government in The Running Man.

What I ask you to consider, friends, is this: We know full well that every accusation from these people is in fact a confession. I don’t even want to think what the likes of Ric Grenell and Stephen Miller and that crowd have brainstormed in the wee hours of the morning. There is no doubt in my mind but if they could create a dystopian hell in this country, ala this particular movie, they would do so in a heartbeat.

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