There’s nothing wrong with living in a world of make believe, if you know that’s what you’re doing. A healthy fantasy life is a good thing. But expecting the same dashed dream to resurrect and become real again and again and again does not seem fulfilling on any level. But that’s the direction QAnon has decided to go. Here’s the latest scenario for the Second Coming Of Trump.

Trump the omniscient is playing 12th dimensional chess with us, you see. He knows all and controls all. He only wants you to think he’s playing golf in New Jersey, no sir, he’s running the show and all the people in it. He is the great puppeteer.

I wonder if this will go on the entire four years of Biden’s term? Maybe the reinstatement fable and the Big Lie will be with us always. Maybe when Trump eventually passes to his just reward, as do we all, it will be said that he is going to come back from the grave and be reinstated then. I would not be surprised if it goes to those lengths. I am amazed it has gone to these.

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  1. Oh, FFS! Give me a break. This is the most asinine fable they’ve spun yet. tRump hardly knew what the hell he was doing at the time he did it. No way he was casting his ‘mind’ out a year and predicting anything. The clueless wonder was too busy thinking about his next golf cheat, his next hamberder, his next crap on the golden toilet to think about the next day let alone the next year. He planned to win the election, by hook or crook, so no. He was not plotting to sabotage Joe with the Afghanistan withdrawal. Jeez, these clowns think they can have things both ways. tRump won the election but he set up this sabotage for Joe last year! SMDH!

  2. Do these idiots NEVER understand what their own conspiracies are saying?

    That Trump orchestrated the withdrawal from Afghanistan so that Biden would “botch it up?” With that idea, Trump therefore EXPECTED to lose the election (despite his own bleatings last year that he could only lose through a “rigged election”).

    I mean, yes. The withdrawal process was all on Trump’s head and there is absolutely NO guarantee that Trump–even if he’d been reelected–could have had a more “orderly” situation. Hell, Trump and Pompeo planned to have all troops out back in MAY! Biden’s actions merely delayed a scenario that was bound to happen (since Trump and Pompeo didn’t bother having any representatives from the legitimate Karzai Afghan government involved in the “negotiations”) by a few months–especially if all these recent intelligence “leaks” are to be believed.

    But let’s all ask ourselves what Trump would be doing if he were still in office as Afghanistan collapsed into Taliban control back in May (as the original withdrawal plan had set). Or maybe we should ask that of the MAGAts. They wouldn’t be able to answer because,as any good juggler will tell you, you can only have so many balls in the air before one falls out and causes the entire bunch to fall to the ground (and conspiracy theories are pretty much the same–trying to juggle too many conspiracy theories at one time and one starts to unravel which cause all the rest to start falling apart as well).

  3. We’ve reached the point when even if Trump croaks, they’ll insist he’ll be reinstated if Biden is incapacitated in some way. They just need to prop up his dead body and 45 in all his greatness with the power of God will govern the great nation from the beyond. Junior will translate his commands while speaking in tongues, high on whatever he’s on at that moment.


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