It’s an old show biz axiom that you never know who will end up where. Absolutely true. O.J. Simpson was expected to crawl out into the sunlight during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial but didn’t. Instead, he feels that the injustice of fake news in Ukraine is deserving of his unique brand of explanation and defense. Simpson’s lawyer, Johnny Cochran, died of brain cancer and maybe he got it listening to this guy.

Yes, friends, O.J. Simpson has entered the employ of the new industry of Fake Fact Checkers. This is no small thing. A few days ago I posted this piece from ProPublica about the new profession of fake fact checkers which has exploded in Ukraine. Ukraine is the perfect set up to lie about. First of all, it’s a controversial war, secondly, in all wars events move fast and documenting them is hard. But now war time correspondents have a new enemy agent to contend against, not only fake news people but fake fact checkers.

We are in trouble plenty. Yes, the Ukraine War is about democracy v. autocracy. It is about defeating a madman and allowing a sovereign nation to breathe free. But it is also about Lies v. Truth, a war which has been waged for some years here now in the United States and which is only getting worse.

On the one hand this is comical, yes, but on the other hand it’s a harbinger of gloom and should be treated as such. As a people we have to agree on the facts. If we have different opinions as to what those facts mean, fine. That’s called civil discourse. But we are in trouble in America because we don’t agree about the basic building blocks of truth, facts.


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  1. My reaction on seeing this guy on a front page story was OH HELL NO! My thoughts got progressively more profane from there. Why can’t people like him who have attained a large and deserved measure of notoriety yet managed to somehow fade from the public consciousness and find some measure of ill-deserved quiet comfortableness just keep their fucking mouths shut?

  2. I think that OJ’s survival rankles more white people than 10 black men losing an accumulated hundreds of years of their lives in prison for crimes they did not commit. What does it say about the anger they have for him totally outweighing any pity, sorrow, sympathy, shame or guilt they have for all the life’s lost to the criminal justice system. Why the imbalance in favor of the “criminal”?

    • It should rankle every person who cares about justice. Being a rich, privileged famous black man gives one no special rights to murder, no more than being white gives one special rights to oppress anyone anywhere. Being black doesn’t mean u have no prejudice, just like being white doesn’t either. Black folks have been, & are oppressed by a racist system, no argument there. However, being a white man who has a black ex-wife, a black adopted child I raised, & have been living with a dark skinned lady from Tuskegee Alabama for the past 16 years, I find a lot of black folks who are no more enlightened than white folks. The fact they have more reason to be prejudiced against white people doesn’t make it right. I refer you to Dr. King who dreamed of no one being judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. OJ was guilty as hell, as all the forensic evidence showed. It was reactionary prejudice that got him off. The LAPD had been kicking the hell out of the black community forever & a Korean shop owner was let off by a young white judge for shooting a young 15 year old black girl in her store a few weeks earlier. Meeting injustice with injustice is not justice. Period.


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