If you were cryogenically frozen in the 1950’s and they just unfroze you today and showed you what was going on in the House of Representatives, you wouldn’t believe it. “That looks like Romper Room,” would be your first comment and you would be right. “Is that a real member of congress? Or, is she a first grade teacher illustrating ‘Show and Tell?'” No, friend, this is what a Republican lawmaker really does in 2021. Maybe it’s best you go back into deep freeze and hope for a better, and not so rude, awakening at a future date.

I was recently talking to a friend who also worked in the Los Angeles legal community, as did I for many years. I said, “You realize Lauren Boebert couldn’t even get a job as a secretarial trainee in some of the places where we worked, yet she’s a law MAKER?” We both got pale at the thought. But here you see Boebert’s twin, Marjorie Taylor Greene, doing show and tell on the floor of the House of Representatives and it’s exactly the same thing.

There is a sick movement in America right now, anti-intellectualism. Isaac Asimov identified it many years back.

Ignorance is not as good as knowledge. But it became so when Donald Trump got into the picture.

Ms. Jewish Space Lasers is making $188,000 a year to do this. Roll that around your noggin.


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  1. I’m hoping the folks at Hanna Barbera sue the living bejeezus out of her for UNLAWFUL USE OF A COPYRIGHT PROTECTED CHARACTER. She’s not using it for parody or satirical purposes; she’s using it with malicious intent and it could be argued that she’s causing potential harm to the character and the brand itself.

    • I’m not sure I follow your logic. It wasn’t “Ms. Jewish” but rather “Ms. Jewish Space Lasers.” Don’t you recall back when Greene was on a rant and introduced us all to her “proof” that Jews had put lasers in space, one of which was responsible for the Camp fire that devastated so much of California? I for one don’t see how mocking an idiot like her for putting forth such a stupid and vile accusation is out of line.

  2. Clearly you are not a Trumper since you integrated new facts & changed your conclusion. Thanks for modeling what THEY should be doing while sitting in the waiting room at the hospital.

  3. And as “Empty” Green proudly unveils her poster attributing the GND to “China”, she’s too stupid to realize her meme doesn’t show the Chinese flag, but that of the now-defunct USSR.
    I guess her constituents aren’t much brighter so they won’t realize it either.


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