Birds of a feather flock together. Marjorie Taylor Greene was the keynote speaker Friday night at AFPAC, America First Political Action Committee, run by Nick Fuentes, who is a white supremacist, misogynist, and holocaust denier. When he did his own speech at AFPAC last night the first words out of his mouth were, “We have a secret sauce and it’s” He’s quite a piece of work, if this is your first encounter with him. He’s also the darling of Paul Gosar, who has appeared with Fuentes on the same podium.

Greene claimed that she didn’t know who the audience was. I put it to you, friends, have you ever in your life spoken before a group of people and not known who they were? Because Greene would have us believe that it’s all the same to her if people are Nazis or sober A.A.s or people standing in the laundromat waiting for the spin cycle to stop. She’ll speak to any group. She loves to hear her own voice, apparently.

And take note: she finally decided to make a statement after being completely non committal. She must have gotten to her handler and gotten instructions on how to behave.

This is Greene in hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil — or anything else, for that matter — mode. This is when she arrived at CPAC today.

And here is Marge suddenly recovering from amnesia, we guess. Or maybe she came out of a coma or it was all a dream. Any other soap opera tropes anybody can think of here?

Now take a look at a few more clips, if you can stomach them, which will show you who AFPAC and Fuentes is.

Isn’t that charming? Here’s another.

Here are some of the lowlights of last night.

Who knows? Maybe Marge will show up at a virulent anti-Trump meeting next, not knowing how she got there either.

And take a look at this snippet fromVICE:

White nationalist livestreamer Nick Fuentes has made no secret of where his loyalties lie in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“I wish Putin was president of America,” he mused to his 45,000 subscribers on Telegram on Wednesday morning.

Fifteen hours later, Russian forces invaded Ukraine. And Fuentes, who’s hosting a far-right conference in Florida Friday night, was psyched.

“I am totally rooting for Russia,” he wrote the following morning. “This is the coolest thing to happen since 1/6.”

This is who the Congresswoman was with last night and tonight she’s at CPAC. And Trump will be the keynote speaker. Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican party: leadership you can depend on.

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  1. Fuentes and all the other Maga idiots have no idea what it would really mean to live in a fake democracy that is really a kleptocratic, oligarchic dictatorship. Don’t want to wear a mask when we tell you to and stop traffic with your semi? Boom, you’re disappeared. Want to stand at a podium and spout obscenities and lies about the fearless leader? Boom, you’re disappeared. Love your guns? Fearless leader will take them all lest you turn against him and turn them on him. Welcome to Russia you tools.

    • Now let’s be nice. Of course she dresses herself. In fact, I’m quite certain when she digs into her Trailer Trash Barbie collection she can dress herself in the dark. Or hung over. Or early in the evening wasted from too much boozing during Happy Hour.


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