This is some many-layered weirdness, what you’re about to see. Marjorie Taylor Greene, moonlighting tonight as a sociologist and political scientist, we guess, has determined that the source of all the angst in American culture can be traced back to one person and one comment: Hillary Clinton describing MAGAs as a “basket of deplorables.”

We remember the comment well. And we remember very well the context of the comment, and I don’t think Marge can make the same statement. Hillary was talking about the hardcore MAGAs, which, let’s face it, have done nothing but prove her right over the past several years since she made the comment.

And to imply or suggest that everything in America was just hunky dory and peachy keen before Mrs. Clinton made the comment is really taking a rocket ship away from reality. But this is Ms. Jewish Space Lasers we are talking about.

No, I don’t know what is with the whacky filter. I thought I was going blind, too. But don’t forget, this is the same Marge who changed her Twitter profile photo to this for 24 hours before either being laughed into changing it back, or maybe praised for allowing her true demonic spirit to shine out.

That was her Twitter profile picture. Thank heavens for screenshotting, we lose nothing that way.

But this is a person who takes umbrage at being called a member of a “sub-class” when she lacks even basic judgement about things as simple as profile pics.

And there’s nothing deplorable about this clip, amirite? I mean, this is totally acceptable behavior and how dare anybody label it as deplorable, correct?

And then there’s this clip, where Marge literally kicks somebody out of the way. What, is that deplorable?

Do you see anything deplorable here? No, I don’t either. This is perfectly laudable behavior. Of course Marge’s fee fees are hurt. Nothing to see here, right, except the behavior of a perfect southern belle. If anybody is at fault here, and acting deplorably, clearly it is Hillary Clinton — for stating the obvious.

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  1. And then there’s the whole ‘Is she the pipe-bomber?’ rumor/scandal, – which has a lot more reality to it than any laptop owned by the Biden ‘children’.

  2. Greene is proving she’s a deplorable by even bringing this old stuff up again. They had four full years of trump in charge and they didn’t do a thing to Hillary, other than trump conning them with that “lock her up” garbage. Greene thinks attacking Hillary AGAIN is a tried and true tactic but she’s too stuck on stage with her performances to realize that NOBODY but her gives a s**t about it now.

  3. Who knew the 1st Amendment no longer applies. Deplorable hell, she’s a fucking moron. Still, I hope Hillary replies since she does have a knack with the turn of phrase stuff-ought to be entertaining.

    Hey N.W. Georgia! You voted this shit into office. Hope she fulfills everything you’ve ever dreamed of because this is all you’re getting out of this nitwit-little shit shows starting Marjie Kooky Pants.

  4. Hehehehe, My Twitter account was suspended for this:

    Hi WiccanWoman -Fully Vaxxed and Fully Boosted 🌊🌊,
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    WiccanWoman -Fully Vaxxed and Fully Boosted 🌊🌊@LadyeWitch

    @RepMTG What a dumb bimbo MTG is.

    Oh well.. no skin off my nose, just goes to show you that only Nazi’s can post truth to Twitter!

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