Nothing like when the religious fanatics turn on one another. This is choice. I hope for his own sake that Mike Pence has a sense of humor. This pastor is taking Pence to task for not having enough class to kill himself, which even Judas did, when he betrayed his lord and savior. Trump cultist Shane Vaughn is arguing that Pence should feel at least as bad as Judas for betraying the One True God Donald.

We knew it was a death cult, right? That comes as no surprise. And why not a suicide cult? That’s where these things usually go, if you look at Heaven’s Gate, Jonestown, Waco, the lot of them.

And some of you sillies thought that Mike’s next career was in dance aerobics.

One version of Judas Iscariot’s death has him hanging himself and another version has his guts exploding. Maybe Pence will come up with something original. Right now he seems hell bent on slow, sure death at the polls and ballot box. But it’s only February, 2022, give him time. He may have a revelation.

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  1. He’s probably already dying of Trump radiation poisoning and the only question is how much resistance his body’s immune system had when the repeated exposure (from being in close proximity) began. But Pence has surely during his four years of being close by absorbed a lethal dose of Trump and it’s not a question of if but when. His evil spawn are born with natural immunity and (get ready for eeew!) his trophy wives might have had sex with him enough to get a form of vaccination via exchange of bodily fluids. However as has been often said everything Trump touches dies and few people have enough of the right stuff in their body’s defense systems to survive a significant dose of Trump exposure.

    (Ok, so the part about physical toxicity is a stretch but politically/career wise too much Trump exposure – as with other maladies different people have different abilities to fight it for a time – is fatal to political futures and increasingly non-political careers too)

  2. Equating Pence with Judas Escariot is equating 45 as Jesus Christ. What the fuck?! Trump as “God” and Jesus Christ. Even if one isn’t a believer, Jesus Christ was a prophet, if nothing else. TRUMP?! Prophet of fucking doom. Oh this is so unnerving.

  3. If there’s anything that could be called blasphemy in this country, it’s equating the former guy with Jesus, and then using that as a basis for judging everyone else.


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