We listen to Hillary too little, too late, unfortunately. She made it clear back in 2016 that she was the victim of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” and she was. Never has a politician been so lied about as she was, and demonized like she was, wholly without merit.

We’ll never know what happened if America had gone down the road not taken and elected Hillary Clinton. What we did find out instead, those of us lulled into a liberal stupor by eight years of Obama bliss, was how conspiracy theory and the cult of celebrity overwhelmed common sense and simple decency.

Here she is with another prediction.

I believe she’s right. I also believe that a right to an education in this country may be next. Think about it: keep the electorate stupid and superstitious, minds filled with muck, and you control them, right?

And it’s not just muck, it’s far worse than that. Alito mentioned Sir Matthew Hale, who is none other than an advocate of marital rape.

This thread goes on for more and I highly suggest you read it.

I had a dear friend for many years. She passed on in 2016. Her name was Stella Religa. If you google the name, you’ll see that she founded a shelter for battered women. She and I were talking about 30 years ago about why women were so hated and reviled on this planet and we figured that maybe it was the Garden of Eden. Maybe there was some racial memory for Eve messing up all that long ago. There are theologians who debate this point, believe me.

We concluded that there was very little hope for a world that depended upon the subjugation of half of the human race in order to get by. After reading this thread I feel like Samuel Alito has done his best to take us back several centuries.

God Bless the Canadians. They have said that they will let American women come there for abortions, if such a thing can be made feasible.

We live in grim and terrifying times.

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  1. What Alito also overlooked (probably deliberately) is that Hayes considered life to begin at ‘quickening’ (when the fetus begins to kick at about 16/17 weeks) – NOT at the instant the sperm hits the egg.

    I also believe that’s what the Bible also says

    As for Catholic hospitals – the law, as it stands, doesn’t compel anyone to provide or to support abortion. No-one is forced to either seek or procure one – it’s a voluntary act.


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