Just when you think things have gotten about as weird as they can get, along comes Fox News to show you that you don’t know what weird is. Donald Trump had an interview with Greg Gutfeld tonight and it is one for the books. These two clips are short so you don’t have to worry about your senses being assaulted for too long. The first one is surreal, you’re entering the Twilight Zone — or maybe we should call it the Trump Gaslight Zone.

Well, har de har har. And I must say this is so weird that it evoked this image.

That is from Martin Scorcese’s King of Comedy, which if you missed it, is a masterpiece. This scene between Trump and Gutfeld is like a cross between King of Comedy and Dead Zone, another classic of that time period. Man. I never would have thought to cross those two films but in the era of Trump any permutation of weirdness seems normal.

This top clip is a little too sycophantic for words. If this guy gets any more saccharine he’s going to go into a diabetic coma.

If you’re exhausted right now and wanting to open a beer or find a tranquilizer, join the crowd. This is Trumpty coming back into the main stream. Now if you have a knee jerk reaction, “Why are you giving this oxygen?” a complaint which is heard on Twitter many times a day, the reason is because he’s not done screwing with the country yet. We may be in an intermission period, and people may even believe that he’s gone from politics, but that’s not how I read the tea leaves.

Trump has a rally scheduled, he made this appearance on Fox News, he’s going to have a platform Saturday night when he does commentary on the Holyfield-Belfort fight and he’s contemplating attending the funerals of the soldiers slain at the Kabul airport. He’s been invited to several of the funerals and it’s a great opportunity to trash Biden and blame him for the soldiers’ death. He’s already had his allies send a tweet from a grieving mother blaming Biden around right-wing media.

This is a low, crass, no-class maneuver to make, but that makes it vintage Trump, so you can depend upon it. What I see is that the momentary calm we’ve had since Biden took the wheel is for the most part over and Trump is slithering his way back into public life.

I hope I’m wrong, but believe me, the past week or so there’s been an uptick in Trump phenomena reported on social media and the press. Think of it as the rattler shaking his castanets before he strikes. Or, I could just be paranoid and reading into things and if so, God knows I come by it honestly.


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  1. Wait a minute. Why were they sitting so far apart? I thought these guys thought COVID was no worse than the flu and that a thing like “social distancing” was for wimps and liberals.

    What kind of message are they sending Trump’s loyal sheep with this? Is Trump a real “man’s man” who doesn’t worry about “virus hoaxes” or is he concerned that he might contract the disease again? Oh, there is a third possibility: That Fox “News” *imposed* the distance requirement for the interview and that means Trump is NOT the “leader” he claims to be–letting some namby-pamby network set (ugh) “rules” for him before he can do a show for them.

    • AS soon as a few heads start bobbing in unison to the beat of fantastic propaganda, a man who looks like a clone of Steve Miller, was pulling more strings to massage the German population into a mob of un-informed robots … a lot like the Trumpets of these days …

      Goebbels was the voice of ruin, bringing hell fire to persecution’s of the Jews, slamming blame and untold numbers of lies around the country as needed to elevate Hitler to a god on earth, a place desired by Trump himself, but his stupidity got in the way too often …

      Still, there are WAY too many glass-eyed Republican pushers of the drug Trump around the country, still FOX network idiots out there with no truth to fight the dumbed down Trump base … it will take years of work to float the United States back up to its apple pie and home made ice cream comfortable neighborhood picnics …


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