Speculation has already taken place over whether the January 6 Committee may subpoena Ginni Thomas and whether there is a criminal issue here as well. Glenn Kirschner does a summary of the last 24 hours since the bombshell dropped in the Washington Post about how the wife of a Supreme Court justice was texting the White House chief of staff and advocating the overturn of a lawful election — and then how the justice in question was the only member of the Supreme Court to vote against certain White House documents pertaining to January 6 being released.

Then Kirschner goes on to talk about criminal liability. I wonder if Ginni Thomas has spoken to a lawyer?

And I wonder what her best friend hubby, now just out of the hospital today, thinks of all this?

And make no mistake, Ginni Thomas is a good little Trump soldier, as well as being a diligent conspiracy theorist.

She had a list of people in the Trump administration that she deemed insufficiently loyal, if you have forgotten that.

This story is just heating up. In many ways, this is now the hottest scandal in Washington, quite apart from all of the Trump silliness. This strikes at the core of the Supreme Court and whether it really is as independent and above board a branch of government as it has been in the past.


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    • He can’t, at least yet. First he has to get some serious coaching from Senator Susan Collins on brow-furrowing and delivering vocal platitudes along the lines of being “troubled.”

  1. Clarence Thomas needs to be removed from the Supreme Court, this just shows how unqualified he is , and how Uneducated his wife is.

    • Unfortunately, there are only three options available: First, and easiest, Thomas just dies; Second, and pretty much as easy, Thomas chooses to retire; Third, and way too difficult to imagine, Thomas is impeached. The problem with the impeachment is he has to face charges that would warrant impeachment (although, it’s possible that the mere notion of “bringing disrepute to the Supreme Court” *might* be enough). The House, of course, votes on the article/s of impeachment and sends it to the Senate which then tries the case. BUUUUUUT, as with impeaching the President to *remove* Thomas, you need a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate (he can, of course, be found “guilty” with a simple majority but it doesn’t get him off the court).

  2. Not sure if she could be criminally liable or not, but hubby sure could bear investigating for his complicity in her theories and political acts. She is not a government official and can claim free speech. So we would have to wait and see.


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