Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Abbott effs around with open carry, the border, you name it, while Texans fry eggs on the sidewalk. Greg Abbott is the quintessential Republican leader. His one and only concern is producing the right optics to stay in power, he doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about producing the right results for his constituents. He doesn’t know how, apparently, and he doesn’t care to learn because he’s too busy playing by the GOP playbook, tell ’em what they want to hear and they’ll reelect you.

That may be a truism when “what they want to hear” is a bit more removed from everyday life. But when you can’t cook, do laundry or sleep at night because the utility company is desperately trying to avoid the grid crashing, what you want to hear are answers that Abbott doesn’t have.

In true American form, however, when faced with tragedy, we turn to black humor to get us through it. Remember comedienne Blair Erskine? You will.

I like this one better than the one she did when she pretended to be a Ted Cruz spokesperson and he decamped to Cancun, during the last Texas power grid crisis.

I would admonish Greg Abbott to consult the history books and see how well California Governor Gray Davis fared when rolling blackouts started hitting the state. He didn’t even make it to the next election cycle, Schwarzenegger came in. And having lived in California at that time, I can tell you it wasn’t anywhere near as screwed up as Texas has been with this ongoing, never ending grid crisis.


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  1. The Davis recall didn’t start over what Enron did to the state – it started because the GOP side of the lege reneged on a deal that had cut car registration fees for three years. McClintock wanted to be Governor, and was forced out of the recall he’d pushed for; it was insane, there were like 70 people on the ballot, most of who had zero qualifications. Ahnold wasn’t the worst possible choice, by far; he was actually semicompetent.
    Also, CA has a power authority that doesn’t allow charging market rates.

  2. I don’t have faith in Texans outing him. See also Gomert, Louie and Cruz, Ted.
    These guys aren’t the most discerning when it comes to elected officials.
    Most would (and have) vote for a pile of dog crap if it had an (R) next to it.

  3. Never have we needed Molly Ivins voice and wit more than we do right now. She’d do a fine job of slicing and dicing these incompetent morons.


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