You’re about to see another one of the characters that the Great Screenwriter In the Sky hath wrought, because if a novelist wrote this, nobody would believe it. But the truth is stranger than fiction, and the Trump era is full of trolls, ergo here we are.

You’ve seen Dalton Clodfelter before. He hates women, he admits it.

He also quotes scripture on how a woman should be “grateful” to her husband for providing “a roof over her head.” That is making quite an assumption, that it is always the man who is the breadwinner. In the real world, a lot of households depend upon two incomes. But then again, the “real world” as you and I understand that term, is not a place this clown frequents.

That was only 1:38 but it felt like half a day.

Dalton Clodfelter also believes in bullying. Here’s what that looks like.

There’s a market for this. If you go over to a site called Bitchute, this is what’s featured there. It’s either sexist hate, racist hate, ableist hate, it’s very much like a Baskin-Robbins, you can get 31 different flavors of hate.

I wonder if this is an “alpha male?” I only inquire because there’s a new dating site out for “conservatives” and the females you’re about to see have two comments, “no Democrats” and “alpha males.”


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  1. Hate to break it to the woman in Ron’s comment/video* but the guys she’s supposedly looking for are NOT going to be all that into her–at least, not until she loses a lot of weight or they’re really desperate for a hookup at last call (but, hon, they WILL lose your number afterwards and deny they ever got with you).

    *Admittedly, I didn’t watch the video so I’m only guessing that she’s one of the “Right Stuff” applicants.

  2. This guy is the kind I delight in calling “bitch” and “drama queen”. Not just because both labels apply but also because I know it sooooo pisses them off. Blindly angry people are stupid people.

  3. We really need to know if this moronic slimebag has any women in his alleged life. He would seem to be why the word INCEL was invented. I can hardly wait to find out what he “thinks” about all those people inhabiting this planet whose skin isn’t white.

  4. You know, if someone does provide another with a roof over their head, gratitude is due. In the 21st century it is likely both male and female provide the roof over both of their heads. Furthermore, what about when it’s the woman doing the providing? Should the male be grateful? I say yes he should: I sure would be. This guy having “clod” in his name is pretty spot on.

    I hope he realizes his little shit-fit here will mean he’s going to become good friends with Patrick Palm and his five little buddies although I suspect they’re already his besties.

  5. Look sonny I’m sorry momma didn’t give you the breast. I’m sorry she fed you bile instead. Grow a set & get over it weasel. You’re young. If you start immediately you may grow to be a real man in a couple more decades. Doubt it but they say with God all things are possible.

  6. The whole “Alpha male” concept was developed by a scientist who studied wolves in captivity. But when he came to look at wolves in the wild, he realized he was oh, so, wrong. In a nutshell, male wolves in the wild are very protective toward their female wolves and cubs. You might call them ‘woke.” In other words, if you find some dud behiving like the original concept of the “alpha male,” it’s because that dude is emptonally damaged. He may not be in literal captivity, but saomething ike that.

    In the 90’s the idea was looked at with chimpanzees. It turned out to be worng there too.

  7. I had trouble believing Clodfelter was,an actual surname, but oh, how perfect that name is for this disgusting, stupid, ugly petty, little man.

    Dear Derek:
    I competed against men like entire life. I had a 750and 650on my SATs, 780 nd 600in my GREs. Top 5%of people taking LSATs. Eight semesters on Dean’s Kist, College Scholar, Magna cum.laude, and Phi Beta,Kappa. Skipped all the freshman classes in my.major,,went straight into sophomore majors’ classes, and got straight As. Published author of fantasy short stories. My first sale made year’s best anthology. Been reprinted fun several.languages. I.made more money than my husband when I was able to work, which wasn’t often because Ithey don’t hire well.educated military wives. Turned down full.fellowship from.two.Ivies,,accepted one from.A third university.

    Get back, you slug,,when you can meet my accomplishments. U til then, sit down and shutbup.
    Get back

    • I’m sure there are Democrats with unfortunate names too. Still, when it comes to the GOP I wonder sometimes about their choices. I can never forget the old Daily Show when Jon Stewart hosted and he introduced us all to a Republican businessman/activist (not a nutjob – just an activist for conservative beliefs about business and regulations) who liked to show up at Town Halls. His family name was Sweat. For reasons that surpass understanding his parents gave him the first name of Richard, ensuring a childhood of all kinds of taunting. We all know people named Richard frequently are given, if they don’t themselves choose to use “Dick.” And THIS guy, as a fucking ADULT chose to go by Dick. Dick Sweat! If memory serves he was from the state of New York but I can’t take seriously a guy who CHOOSES to be known as “Dick Sweat!” I mean, if he didn’t like Richard “Rick” was (and is) a perfectly common alternative that wouldn’t have everybody but him snickering every time he introduced himself. But he’s a conservative so who knows how fucked up in the head he is?

  8. Tell Clodhopper that I can far exceed him on an IQ test any day of the week and so can both of my lifetime female friends.

    Also tell Clodhopper that I have always made more money per year than my husband. Friend #1 probably made more than her husband, too. And friend #2 never felt she needed a husband, and is now a multi-millionaire with the same live-out boyfriend of the past 46 years.

    And lastly tell Clodhopper that Paul, who was mostly responsible for those misogynistic parts of the bible, was a fucked-up jerk, and even my professor in my college (religiously affiliated college) course of biblical literature pointed out that very fact.

    The bible was not written by God. It was written by men with personal failings, including bigotry, misogyny, and magical thinking. Unlike 99% of so-called Christians, I have actually read the entire book.


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