This is a good metaphor, America as the woman he done wrong. America is, in fact, more like the battered wife, but all the cliches work here. America has been lied to, her money’s been taken and squandered, her children have been mistreated and all by this man. This resonates on a lot of levels.

No question, America is in a toxic relationship and it has brought us low, as these things will. We need to pull the plug and dump this loser.

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    • This does resonate. And when Trump’s gone, people will be saying, “What were we ever thinking?” A lot of the Republican Voters Against Trump testimonials are exactly that.

      • There are a lot of people who are so far down that rabbit hole that they’ll need to be dug out with a steam shovel. (The good news is that they’re about 30% of the population.)

  1. Let’s charge him with the rape of the country, leaving thousands of dead & damaged children, the rape of the environment, plunging us ever closer to the climate tipping point where’s there is no turning back, the rape of what little democracy we have, the rape of throwing gasoline on the pandemic, still out of control 8 months after the first reported case, killing at the minimum 170k+, and so many more assaults on women, immigrants, & really, all of us. Why, exactly, is anyone else locked up?

  2. It’s a sobering thought but still must be said that and abused woman is in the most danger when she’s about to leave her abuser, through the escape itself and for a time (usually short & measured in weeks but it can be of indiscriminate length) afterwards. If the abuser gets winds of the plans and believes it will really take place they are likely to intentionally murder or attempt to murder their victim – same with catching them and realizing the effort had been planned out under their nose. Then, in the days and weeks that follow their rage will periodically well up and what can happen to the victim can be worse than having caught them preparing to or in the process of leaving. With all the power of the Presidency at his disposal, and his clear lack of control when even minor insults are directed at him I shudder at what Trump might do if subjected to a massive repudiation at the polls. I can only hope that somewhere, someone is standing by with a plan to force Pence and the Cabinet into a room and if necessary threaten them into invoking the 25th. The country, and perhaps even the world’s survival might depend on it. Hell, PUTIN might be working behind the scenes to get the 25th invoked. What Trump is capable of could hurt him and all the expansionism he’s accomplished.

    The metaphor is an apt one. I’ve gently tried to go there a couple of times in the past but being an old white guy was afraid of putting out there as bluntly as you have done. But it needs to be said. Harris accurately referred to Trump (without using his name) as a predator but he’s also a multi-offense (and type of offense) abuser.


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