What is sad about Mike Lindell is that his version of the events of the November, 2020 election really do make sense to him. The problem is that he’s in so far over his skis conceptually, that he flat out doesn’t understand that he’s being manipulated by his “experts” who want to make money off of him, and the rest of us are watching this as entertainment. To his everlasting credit, Jimmy Kimmel tried to talk to Lindell and reason with him, but it’s no use. This is Lindell’s pet conspiracy theory, and just like the flat earthers or the UFOnuts — or the fans of Bigfoot — he just can’t let it go. He’s too deeply entrenched.

Here’s the Daily Show clip. It runs 7:02 and Lindell complained early on that the producers insisted it be filmed in front of the porta potties. I guess that precise locale denoted less than a proper respect for the gravity of the material under discussion. Or something.

In all fairness, Klepper comparing Lindell’s constantly pushed back deadline for Trump’s return to the elusive Bigfoot is spot on. Bigfoot was always just out of reach, but for sure s/he would be proven by the next episode. And then the next episode. And the next. Lindell is exactly the same way, despite the fact that he’s been claiming for months now to have blockbusting evidence. So show it already. The fact that he can’t is what makes him a laughing stock. Somehow this escapes him.

If Lindell had just gotten caught in the gravitational pull of Donald Trump, that would make sense. A lot of people have done that. Ask Michael Cohen. But to continue the way Lindell has is sheer self destruction.

I predict another out of court settlement, just like the ones he did in California when he was caught making claims about his My Pillow product’s healthful advantages which he couldn’t prove.


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  1. The religious types are a hoot when they get mad. I noticed some activity down the hill and by the lake across the road from my house so I wandered down to see the action. There were three guys, two apparently taking a soil sample and one “supervising”.

    I walked up to the supervisor and asked what was going on out of curiosity. He introduced himself as the Pastor of the church up the road and said they were running a perk test on the land. As my friend, a realtor, who set me up on my land had told me the land across the street would not perk so I didn’t have to worry about anyone bulidng a house there blocking my view of the lake.

    So I tell the Pastor he’s wasting his time as that land will not perk.

    The Pastor then looked me in the eye and said in a slightly raised voice, “Why didn’t you tell me???”

    So I responded. “Before today I had never laid eyes on you, and besides, you didn’t ask me.”

    The Pastor turned red with rage and stomped over to his truck and sped away.

    Not sure to this day if the fact the land wouldn’t perk or that I laughed right in his face for saying something so stupid set him off.

    Ahhhh, memories.

    • Your reference to religion is spot on. The phrase, “constantly pushed back deadline” brings me to the “End of Timers” who declare they know the exact day and time Jesus will “come back” or when all the “True Believers” will step on the escalator to heaven, leaving us poor slobs on earth. Hey, how did they know I dream constantly of being one of those “slobs” living in the peaceful Post Xianity era?

  2. I (and many others I am sure) have had enough of the Big Lie! It long past time for these as$holes to prove what they are saying or STFHU!!! These folks need to stop claiming that they have proof of massive election fraud/tampering, and SHOW US THE PROOF!! Of course they can’t, because they have nothing. The few cases of voter fraud that have been found have all been done by republiQanons. Its put up or SHUT UP time! NOW!!!!!

    • It’s all just a big con to scam the true believers. There’s a lot of money in them thar lies! This idiot and all the other ones are going to keep on with this dog and pony show as long as it profits them to do so. Once the rubes figure it out and stop paying, then maybe we’ll see an end to it. An end to this lie at least, then off to the next one that pays.

  3. Yep, it’ll be a great day when all these self-riteous “Christians” disappear!
    Even better when all the too dumb to not get vaccinated Repubqnons die off…
    Ahhh, heaven on Earth


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