This is good to see and hear. This man makes sense. If we could have more like him out on the streets, I think things might not be so crazed and desperate as they seem to be right now.

There shouldn’t have to be a good cop/bad cop debate. I don’t know what went wrong with Kim Potter, but again, everybody who has handled both weapons and who knows how the taser is on the non-dominant side, is saying that the Daunte Wright shooting shouldn’t have happened. It’s surprising that somebody with 26 years on the force would make such a rookie mistake, but it happened. The direction to go now is to make sure it doesn’t happen again.


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  1. When you watch and listen to some of these videos where cops kill unarmed black men, the cop sounds absolutely terrified, panicky, they’re totally freaking out. What the hell are they doing on the job if they have no more self-control than that? Unarmed black men are NOT Superman with unlimited strength and power, but the way some of these cops react, they apparently think so. I’m just so sick of all these racist murders as well as our version of suicide bombers, the suicide gun men who murder innocent people before killing themselves. So many guns, so much killing. :'(

  2. I’m glad that sane cops are speaking out about these police crimes, but I’m afraid that in today’s law enforcement community these men and women are “good apples” in a bad barrel. They’re courageous for breaching the “thin blue wall,” but they’re unlikely to have a real effect on the pathological culture of today’s police forces.

  3. Heaven knows there’s room for improvement in training. But, as Glenn Kirschner points out (paraphrased), there is no was to train racism and/or misogyny out of a person. Extreme vetting before hiting – and disqualifying for the correct reasons – is the only way to get where we need to go.

  4. Trump is the one that has brought on a lot of these situations with cops , Remember him saying awhile back when he invited the Police to the White House ? he told them that they shouldn’t be so nice , and don’t put your hand on top of their heads when you put them in a police car. There is no telling what he said to them in private ! the Police got worse while Trump was office .


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