The strangeness of Herschel Walker is the stuff of movie scripts. I have no question in my mind that anybody writing a comedy about this era in our politics will write about the football player cum senatorial candidate with the multiple personalities and the many professions.

We know that Walker is or was an FBI agent, trained at Quantico, we are told, and he carries a badge which allows him to be some kind of a law enforcement officer. Again, we are told.

Now we are told that Walker has a doctorate. The facts which are readily ascertainable are that he dropped out of college. But wait — not to worry, it must have been one of the other Herschels who got the Ph.D. Yeah, that’s right. It was one of them. Probably the same guy that was a valedictorian. You see, this all makes sense after all.

I guess we better hope that, God forbid, Walker gets elected to the Senate, that the personality who’s the valedictorian and the Ph.D. holder, is the one that shows up to analyze the bills and vote. I mean, look at it this way. We could get the Russian roulette guy or the wife beater. Or even the werewolf. Have you thought about that? A werewolf on the floor of the Senate?

Luckily, the Democratic turnout is good. Even people who go on Steve Bannon’s show talk are talking about it. This is a good sign. This shows that the right-wing media is cushioning the blow when Walker loses.

And Geoff Duncan is still tap dancing on Walker. Axios:

Why it matters: The comments come mere days before the Dec. 6 Georgia Senate runoff election between Walker and incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock.

What he said: Duncan told CBS he supports conservative politics, and that he has “got kids probably that could articulate the conservative platform better than some of the candidates that Donald Trump and his group supported all across the country.”

  • “This wasn’t the right brand for Republicanism,” he added, “and I think Herschel Walker will probably go down as one of the worst candidates in our party’s history.”

I just want this to be over. Let it be over, so that Senator Warnock can return to the Senate and do a bang up job, so the balance of power in the Senate will be saner, we won’t all be beholden to the Manchin/Simema axis, and last but not least, maybe Herschel Walker can get some much needed mental health care.

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  1. They’re coming to take me away.
    To the funny farm
    Where life is beautiful all the time
    Theyre coming to take me away

  2. It’s hard to imagine a university, even his alma mater University of Georgia (before all this political nonsense from Walker) having given him an honorary doctorate but it’s possible. Of course, like his badge he’s too stupid and or brain damaged to realize it’s a honorary thing, a title with no actual privileges. But I seriously doubt (his pro career was solid but hardly spectacular) anyplace gave him an honorary degree. As far as I know he wasn’t a “give back to the community” type like some pro athletes. And Georgia? I’m pretty sure they never gave him one, although if they did it’s a decision that’s going to haunt them. He sure as hell won’t be getting one now!

  3. Talk about pulling shit out of your ass. Since Georgia won’t be releasing ANY kind of tallies of the early vote until sometime on December 6 (at least nothing official until after polls have closed; there shouldn’t actually even be any “unofficial” speculation by election officials), I can’t imagine where they’re coming up with this “Warnock’s got a 30 point lead on early votes” line except by pulling it out of their asses.

    Mind you, I have no problem with the idea of Warnock’s having that kind of lead in early voting–as long as he has that kind of lead at 7am, Wednesday December 7th.

  4. “I’m going to tell ya’ll another secret and don’t ya’ll get mad at me but I do have my doctorate. We all are mentally crazy.”

    Speak for yourself, Herschel, speak for yourself.

  5. I looked at the.end of the quote. It is vaguely possible that he believes that getting therapy somehow confers on you a doctorate, hence the “we’re all.crazy” last sentence.

    No, Herschel, we,aren’t all crazy. And you don’t have a doctorate, honorary or not. You have CTE and cannot control your impulses and aggression nor can you think clearly.

  6. Between Donald Trump and Herschel Walker it is hard to tell whether one or the other should be sent to the funny farm. Both seems the only solution. They seem to be founders of Nutjobs R Us. Both are willing to say anything to get what they want knowing full well they are lying. It is astounding the power and freedom we grant those with a little money or success. Maybe we are really the nutjobs?


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