If you didn’t catch Donald Trump’s latest batshit presser Thursday, it was a classic in delusion and gaslighting, where he predicted that 400 years of systemic racism was going to be solved “quickly and easily.” He actually said that. Then he bragged about what a “beautiful” sight American citizens getting teargassed was. Here, I’ll stop jabbering, take a look.

This needs airplay every nano second of every day. Washington turned into a war zone and this guy thinks it’s “beautiful?” Donald Trump is out of his phucking mind.

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    • His lack of normal human reaction is frightening. And this isn’t the first time. Somebody got injured at Mar-a-Lago a few years ago. Even though the poor man was bleeding, Trump couldn’t handle it properly. Zero compassion or concern for another human being in distress right in front of him.

      • No disrespect, Ursula, but I remain perplexed as to why he frightens you so. He’s a very simple machine at heart, predictable as the sunrise and guaranteed to fail at everything he tries. One does not look for humanity in a person who has obviously thrown theirs away decades gone. They stop that person and that is all.

        • I suspect it may be the fact that what he has already done and what he can still do to this country even in his last 5/6 months? Him personally? He couldn’t frighten a new born baby.

          • Excellent answer, Wolf. Still, even THAT feels overblown as a reason to worry. Given that we already know that what he will do will be bad, insane and probably well beyond his ability to pull, we’ve a well-established baseline on what to expect. Thus twisting ourselves in knots over things we can neither help nor prevent just yet strikes me as a waste.

          • I agree, Lone Wolf. tRump doesn’t scare me personally. I’ve always thought he was a very sick paper tiger. But it’s the violence he incites and the fact that some people follow him blindly that terrifies me.

        • I’m not frightened, I’m horrified. It never occurred to me that such a low life person could get elected president. Maybe I’m simply naive. But even presidents I didn’t like, such as Nixon, I thought had some brains or wherewithal. I thought Dubya was a dummy but I never thought him a complete degenerate. Maybe it’s me.

          • I’ll confess to being profoundly more cynical, Ursula. Studying history and living among GOP True Believers my entire life helped to have that effect. So did watching the GOP games in the early 2010s from near the very bottom of the social heap. As such, I have long lacked your reverence for the office since at least W (who had the bare minimum of brains, lest we forget).

            Also, we knew what kind of a vicious asshole Trump was before office, knew the office would do nothing to change that and watched him do the same patterns for three and a half years. I put that all together in my head and my shock died with a whimper. Most of my horror went with it, though none of my empathy for the millions he has victimized and hurt.

          • No matter what his supporters say NOW, a significant portion of them saw THEN what we all saw. Do you remember all the excuses they made for voting for a manifest incompetent? 1) He’ll abandon all that campaign rhetoric and become presidential when he wins the presidency. 2) He will hire the best people. 3) That liberal Ivanka will moderate his worst impulses and make sure the rest of us are represented. 4) and so on and so on.

  1. Bad President. Good TRAITOR.

    Republicans aren’t Bad citizens. They are good TRAITORS.

    This should be the message. Their illegitimate power and what it has brought us should be highlighted every day in some fashion.

    The four countries that are the most plague friendly have fascist/right wing leaders. The U.S.A is by far the most friendly to the plague while Trumps buddy in Russia is the second most friendly toward the deadly plague. Followed by the UK and Brazil.

    The current fascist voters should be told to abandon the treasonous Republicans and embrace the Constitution and the Democratic party.

  2. Himself is just as ugly in the recorded interview with Harris. Talking about chokeholds as “pure”, and how he’s as great a president for blacks as Lincoln.

  3. Wait. What? Didn’t Barr and McEnany tell us there was no tear gas used? Yet again, he verifies the “fake news” out of his own mouth.

    • Like always…you may noticed that Trump is lousy at keeping ANYTHING a secret. The need to take credit and brag are just too strong.


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