Tucker, Tucker, you’ve really stepped in it this time. OMG, Tucker, on a scale of one to ten, this is a twelve-level backfire. You’re going to be wiping this off of you for some time to come.

If you missed the set up to this epic level screw up, Tucker Carlson did a monologue accusing Joe Biden of trying to “feminize” the military, which is presently made up of 16% women. Business Insider:

“So we’ve got new hairstyles, maternity flight suits,” said Carlson. “Pregnant women are going to fight our wars.”

“It’s a mockery of the US military,” he added. “While China’s military becomes more masculine … our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine — whatever feminine means anymore, since men and women no longer exist.”

Carlson went on: “The bottom line is, it’s out of control and the Pentagon’s going along with this. Again, this is a mockery of the US military and its core mission, which is winning wars.”

The primetime star drew swift backlash and ridicule over his remarks. Military women who are pregnant are exempted from arduous duties and deployments, and the services have strived to make the uniforms they wear more comfortable as one part of a campaign to keep more mid-career women in the service. Women make up approximately 16% of the armed forces.

This brought the ire of none other than Senator Tammy Duckworth, who minced no words and said, “Fuck Tucker Carlson.” Ouch.

That brings us up to the latest, which is John Kirby, the press secretary for the Pentagon, dismissing Carlson utterly.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was enough to incur the wrath of Carlson, who tweeted that he’s going to show the Pentagon who’s who and what’s what tonight on Fox News.

That opened up the floodgates of scorn and derision, as you might well imagine.

I suppose it’s a break from Dr. Suess, right? Look at the bright side.

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    • Are you kidding?! No one at Faux Snooze could keep up physically or mentally with the local girl scout troop, let alone a female soldier!

  1. Carlson’s facial expression always looks like he is suddenly realizing that he is the victim of a fart gone terribly wrong.

  2. This is all just more of Fox’s avowed mission of distracting attention from the Biden administration’s success in legislating help for the struggling America left by Trump and Covid. But by directing his bullshit at the US military, Fucker’s misjudged Americans (again). This will not sit well with anyone, including even the most deplorable of his viewers.

  3. We really need to figure out how to truly go to war with Fox. I think we need a coordinated effort on the left to organize and hit them where they’re most vulnerable, the fees they get from cable providers when they’re included in a package. Many people reading this are probably being forced to help find Fox. ?

    Fox won’t bow to pressure, but cable providers sure will. We should mount an activist protests that gets people to turn their cable accounts off for a week then turn them back on (this costs providers a fortune) until and unless they offer a Fox-free package.


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