Birds of a feather flock together

Just to be clear. I wouldn’t suffer through an hour watching FUX News demagogue F**ker Carlson for triple frequent flyer miles for my trip to the Pearly Gates. The man disgusts me on every level. And I’ve been hooked on MSNBC for more than 20 years, and I remember Carlson’s brief foray on the network before they discovered he had an allergy to the truth.

But unfortunately, thanks to House Squeaker Cavein McCarthy giving Carlson exclusive access to more than 41,000 hours of Capitol Hill security footage, it’s impossible to escape the sniveling little shit. Networks are showing select snippets of F**ker’s alleged January 6th expose as somehow or other newsworthy.

And in a way they actually are newsworthy, since they show Carlson’s craven disregard for the truth in carefully putting together snippets of Capitol security cams to bolster his bullshit allegation that the Capitol riot Wasn’t an insurrection, nor was it violent. And it appears that Carlson has his first drooling convert, Twitter CEO Elon Musk.

According to new reporting on Talking Points Memo, we now have the blind leading the stupid. I don’t want to upset your stomachs, but I must here place a short segment of Carlson’s pandering bull$hit in order to set up the rest. Right off of the top, Carlson showed video clips with the voice over of;

“‘Deadly insurrection.’ Everything about that phrase is a lie,” Carlson added. “Very little about Jan. 6 was organized or violent. Surveillance video from inside the Capitol shows mostly peaceful chaos.”

And in his own words, Carlson betrayed the scam of his own volition. Surveillance video from inside the Capitol shows mostly peaceful chaos. And therein nuzzles the lie. Carlson’s video that played as he spoke was a carefully choreographed peep show of Capitol security video showing small groups of insurrectionists wandering around just looking at the exhibits. He even showed video of Capitol Hill police officers walking along rioters with a friendly hand on their arms, touting the non confrontational nature of the transaction. What Carlson left out was the fact that the Capitol police officers were trying to peacefully escort the rioters from the building. Nowhere in his presentation was there even a hint of the violence outside the doors to the House chamber, nor the mortal combat going on outside.

And then F**ker Carlson stepped outside of the bounds of human decency, even for a sniveling scumbag like him. He showed several disjointed surveillance videos of fallen Capitol Police hero Brian Sicknick, wearing a helmet and motioning to other officers to take new positions. F**ker piously intoned that Whatever tragically happened to officer Sicknick cannot be laid at the feet of the protesters. Not bothering to show the video of Sicknick staggering back and collapsing after being his in the face with bear spray aimed at him by an insurrectionist.

There is a special place in hell reserved just for F**ker Carlson, and it’s between the elevator and the noisy ice machine. But Carlson managed to hit the mark with at least one viewer. Disgraced Boers Afrikaner billionaire Elon Musk. Following Carlson’s lavish seditionist lovefest, Musk took to his favorite new toy, Twitter. According to TPM;

Following the show, Musk went on one of his bizarre Twitter rants to attack several lawmakers that were a part of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack last year, ironically accusing them of “misleading the public” and latching onto debunked conspiracy theories about the FBI and law enforcement’s response on Jan. 6

And this is the man who now personally controls one of the major social media platforms with absolutely no federal or governmental oversight. And he finds F**ker Carlson’s craven attempt to rewrite history that even FUX News viewers watched live on January 6th, with on air host horror and disapproval as a peaceful protest. But like Carlson, Musk never knows when to STFU, so;

In a separate tweet, Musk called the footage “shocking indeed.”

Look, I’m sorry Elon. I’m just s dumb Mick street rat from Chicago, Exactly what part of Carlson’s Kabuki theater did you find shocking indeed The part with the unauthorized interlopers wandering through a building that was closed to the public, or the fact that they were there to interfere with an official government proceeding? Come on Musk Man, Enquiring minds want to know!
My personal feeling is that this is going to blow back on FUX. After all, FUX viewers saw the same raw footage that everybody else saw on January 6th, including the horror of the reporters covering the news. Growing up in Chicago, I saw con men get the shit kicked out of them for trying to blow one too many puffs of smoke up a marks ass. F**ker Carlson is skating dangerously close to that line.
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  1. Carlson and McCarthy both need the shit kicked out of them. It behooves me that Murdoch would allow Carlson to spew lies every. single. night and he’s still has a job!! WTF???? :/

  2. Let me ask you one question
    Is your money that good?
    Will it buy you forgiveness?
    Do you think that it could?
    I think you will find
    When your death takes it’s toll
    All the money you made
    Will never buy back your soul.
    And I hope that you die
    And your death will come soon
    I’ll follow your casket
    By the pale afternoon
    And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
    Down to your deathbed
    And I’ll stand over your grave
    Til I’m sure that you’re dead.
    Bob Dylan, Masters of War

  3. This is why Dominion is going to trial—-punitive damages. Which should multiply because Carlson has gone ahead with more lying….

    • Well put…Especially siince estimates are that the punitive damages could end up costing FUX News 3X the $1.6 billion compensatory damages…

  4. Musk is not dumb therefore he is really really evil. He will probably loose the $43B he (?) put into Twitter. Twitter is still around paradoxically.

  5. An hour, Murph? I can’t take even 10 seconds of that snotty little prep boy’s smug BS. He’s a craven liar, dancing to the same tune as Craven Cavein and the rest of their treacherous mob. It’s Putin’s tune, and it’s all about undermining the US because he’s never gotten over being pissed that the US survived the cold war while the USSR didn’t. Putin is using all these repuQ tools to stir the pot with racism, voting suppression, misogyny, keeping us in an uproar till the militias can strike again and tear us up from the inside. Releasing all these tapes, taking the metal detectors out of the House? All preparation for the next attack. They will be ready by 2024.

  6. 10 seconds carol? You’ve got a lot of tolerance. I have a hard time just looking at a still photograph. Ha.

  7. Groucho. Now, I know you know you can’t believe your own eyes and ears! That’s the first rule of a fascist death cult. You are only allowed to believe what the cult leader says. I’m never gonna be in a cult because, like Groucho, I won’t belong to a group that would have me as a member. Duck Soup anyone?


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