This is quite some candidate, the GOP frontrunner. And he’s running quite some campaign. Back in another era it was, “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.” Now, it’s Supreme Court, do as I tell you do or there’s going to be some real ass kicking. Take a look at what Trump had to say yesterday with respect to the Maine and Colorado ballot issue — and what will happen if Trump doesn’t get “fair treatment.”

What you’re about to see took place in Sioux Center, Iowa. Actually, as damaging as Trump’s commentary has been the past two days, he might want to just sit out any further Iowa addresses. But that won’t happen. The Republican party is doing its Kabuki dance, pretending that a real, honest to God primary is taking place, when what is really taking place is a farce and a charade. Nevertheless, there’s a “last chance” to hear the candidates next week — and of course Trump won’t be there. He’ll be doing counter programming on Fox News while Vivek Ramaswamy plays with himself in the weeds. So you can watch Nikki and Ron bash at each other, while everybody pretends there isn’t a big orange elephant in the room. In all events, here’s Trump’s admonition to the Supreme Court.

And they’re saying, “Oh, Trump owns the Supreme Court, he owns it. He owns it. If they make a decision for him, it will be terrible. It’ll ruin their reputations. He owns the Supreme Court. He put on three judges. He owns the Supreme Court. If they rule in his favor, it will be horrible for them. And we’ll protest at their houses. And we’ll do all of the things that you see.”

And that puts pressure on people to do the wrong thing. What they’re doing is no different than Bobby Knight. They’re playing the ref. I watched that, I said, “Man, they’re really good. They’re really good at it.”

And I just hope we get fair treatment. Uh, because if we don’t, our country’s in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I’m saying? I think so, because they’ll cover that completely differently. They’ll cover that in a much different manner. But I’m just saying it’s a very unfair situation that takes place.

“Does everybody understand what we’re saying?” Oh, yes. We hear you loud and clear, Donald. If you don’t get what you want, you’re going to throw a hissy fit. And who knows how bad this one will be, right? Maybe you will go shoot somebody on 5th Avenue, just to prove how godlike you are.

The above quoted text is from Mediate, which has a link to the RSBN video. Sorry I can’t embed it for your convenience.

The good news vis a vis the Maine and Colorado ballot issue is that either way it’s a win/win. If Trump is precluded from the ballot, that’s a good thing. That, in my opinion, would be the correct legal interpretation of the Constitution and also be morally correct. However, if it doesn’t go down that way, and if the court decides that Trump stays on the ballot — that’s good well. Then the people make their decision, loud and clear, just as they did in 2020.

We rarely see something this satisfying to before the Supreme Court. But either way it goes, it will be good. As a matter of fact, it might be even better to have Trump on the ballot (although I firmly believe that the 14th Amendment prevents him from being) because then he can’t gripe so much.

But gripe he will in any event. Trump is already ginning things up to sound like the 2024 election is going to be “stolen” as well. Expect that dirge to continue as we work this MAGA disease through our body politic. It has to get worse before it gets better, right? Before the fever breaks?

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  1. Your “…I firmly believe that the 14th Amendment prevents him from being) because then he can’t gripe so much.
    But gripe he will in any event…” is a view held by many, surely. The BBC put out an explainer on the 14 Amendment, and is a good read, in support of your above point of view. Hope you don’t mind its inclusion here:
    See:The 14th Amendment plan to disqualify Trump, explained:

  2. He’s been crying, whining, and complaining since he first pooped his diapers as a baby…no problem there since we all have been down that road. The problem is he’s STILL acting the same as a senior citizen. Maybe it’s because he’s still wearing diapers and he’s lost his pacifier! How many goddamn times must, as Dylan once sang, the white men in suits, look up before they see the sky? Three years and counting and the number one traitor and criminal IS STILL LOOSE! I wonder how many millions of my fellow citizens either have been in jail, or are sitting in jail FOR FAR FAR LESS? And here we want to talk shit about China and Russia. America…land of worshipping the gold plated calf of HYPOCRISY!



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