There are already a plethora of reasons to damn Traitor to all eternity as a bartender in a gay karaoke bar. Right now the current red alert, led by former GOP congresswoman Liz Cheney, is the warning that a Trump return to the White House would signal the end of democracy as we know it. Big deal. We knew that in 2020, which is why we kicked his fat ass out by some seven million votes.

But even when we bojo El Pendejo Presidente next November, it isn’t like the storm clouds will suddenly disperse, the sun will shine brightly, the birds will trill in ecstasy, and there will be a national five minute break to sing kumbaya in national harmony. Trump’s too deeply entrenched MAGA cult philosophy has already done it’s insidious work.

One of my favorite feel good zone out movies of all time is Remo Williams. Joel Gray is brilliant in the role of Chun, a Korean martial arts master hired by a secret government agency to train up an overweight New York cop, played by Fred Ward as a secret assassin. At their first meeting, Chun levels a two finger charge into Remo’s gut to get him to sit down, and folds his legs lotus style, grumbling, I can see that the deadly hamburger has already done its evil work. And that is exactly what The Cheeto Prophets toxic philosophy has already done. And if you just bother to look, you can see it everywhere.

By now you all know that Teri works in retail, in a clothing store. This is obviously the busiest time of the year, and her hours load is heavy. The other night she came home and once she was off of her feet with a cold one, told me about her day, one of my favorite parts of her getting home. And the horror story she told me locked everything into crystal clear focus.

She and her manager, who is also the store manager and a friend were doing what is called go backs. This is simply taking stuff from the check out lines that wasn’t purchased, and putting it back on the shelves or hanging it up. And especially at this time of the year, it means picking sh*t up from the floor that people just dropped and hanging it back up aqain.

While they were doing that, her manager picked up an item off of the floor to hang it up, turned to Teri and said, I swear to God Teri, these people are savage animals. At which point Teri nodded and said, Tell me about it! I thought last year was bad, but this is off the charts!

Welcome to MAGA world. Christmas is exactly three weeks from today. If you’re going out any time in those next three weeks, please Dios, early, then try this experiment. When you have your cart, before you actually start looking for what you want, just take five simple minutes wandering the aisles, and look at how the shoppers are treating each other, the employees, and their surroundings.

It will turn you into an instant, permanent online holiday shopper. To hear Teri tell it, it’s like the Ernie Hudson line to the Mayor in Ghostbusters, Your Honor, I haven’t been with the firm that long, but I can tell I’ve seen sh*t that would turn you white! Welcome to 2024 retail world in Trumpmenistan.

In Teri’s eyes, you have shoppers who use their carts as battering rams and suicide vehicles to but their way in to the spot they want to be in. They try on a shoe, and when it doesn’t fit, they drop it on the floor outside of the box. Teri has seen shoppers literally grab an item out of another shoppers hand with a snarled I saw it first!, and put it in their cart. They paw through a rack of clothes, just dumping clothes they don’t want on the floor while the look for the ones they do. And they leave their monkey spawn to run wild in the toy section, ripping the packaging off of toys they have no intention of buying. And it’s bad enough so that employees can tell the difference from last year’s holiday season.

Let’s be clear. This isn’t everybody who comes into the store. In fact, it’s a small minority. But remember this, Trump’s loyal GOP base is about 34%, which means it’s about 17% of the electorate. Maybe not so surprisingly, that seems to match the troublemaker quotient in the store. But Trump is desperately ramping up the rhetoric, and more and more they’re acting out.

When you look at Trump’s philosophy and campaign rhetoric stripped to it’s simplest message, that message is, It’s not just OK to be a f*cking animal, it’s your God given right as a true patriot to be a f*cking animal! And since Trump’s base is basically the underclass who respond so well to his message of having been serially screwed over by others, it’s not surprising that they feel enabled.

But words alone are not enough. My beloved mother had a favorite saying, If Jim Rosenwinkel said he was going to jump off of the roof, does that mean that you have to jump off the roof too? And so Hair Twitler has set the example, brazenly lashing out at judges, prosecutors, their spouses and children, court clerks, and anybody else who dares to look at him crosswise. Trump is walking the talk, and that spurs his lowlife mob on to emulate him. And they are.

This is the lasting legacy of Trump and his MAGA philosophy. We can and will beat His Lowness in 2024, which will put an end to all of this Trump for President nonsense once and for all. If a cholesterol cardiac doesn’t do away with him, and orange jumpsuit should substitute nicely.

But even if we use the ass kicking of The Tiny Thumbs Dictator in 2024 to oust the majority of MAGA House reps in swing and competitive districts, unfortunately that will not spell the end of the MAGA philosophy.

Simply because after nine long years of The Scruffy Guru not only telling his supporters to be insensitive *ssholes, but leading the way in showing them how to be insensitive *ssholes, And getting rid of Trump is not going to suddenly lead these idiots to some miraculous Come to Jesus moment. Not only are they incapable of seeing the light, they’re totally resistant to seeing the light. At this point, they love being insensitive *ssholes.

And so once again, as with so many things that the politicians f*ck up, politics can’t fix this. Once again it is We the People who are going to have to clean up that mess. It is going to be up to law enforcement, the store employees and managers, and most importantly fellow shoppers to hammer home once and for all that this kind of conduct is unacceptable. As Oliver Hardy often opined, Well, thank you Donald. Here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into! Harumph. Harumph indeed.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Trump has repurposed something we’d see sometimes from Oprah into MAGA – (Points to someone) “YOU get to be a dick! (Points to someone else) “YOU get to be a dick!” (Spreads arms as if to gesture to the whole audience) EVERYBODY gets to be a dick!” (“Well, at least if you’re MAGA…”)

      • I have no doubt, but I like this mirror analogy better. I believe DON THE CON still has an inferiority complex when it comes to Obama’s popularity & success as President. He will never measure up to OBAMA & now President Biden is also kicking his ass in what Joe has accomplished in office. Things that Trump could never do like…. INFRASTRUCTURE!

  2. Be isn’t saying Trump supporters are dumb, but rather tend to be poorly served by what society regards as “smart.” and therefore as valuable.

    17% rang a bell. Please understand the standard IQ tests are heavily flawed, highly questionable in what they define as “smart,” and show cultural bias. In the widely used WAIS, about 17% score 85 and under, which is called in various ways, below “normal.”

    Whatever this truly means, people who score under 85 don’t tend to perform well on logical tasks. Many tend to lack historical knowledge (which the test does measure) and many do poorly at cognitive puzzles. For many life is a true, ongoing and heartbreaking struggle.

    Is there anything there? I don’t know, but Trump and MAGA seem to draw heavily on those who life has not treated well.

    Perhaps if we did better at giving meaning to those who struggle with standard acedemic “smarts” we could have a lot less MAGA.

    • I’m not sure how IQ tests being flawed have much to do with explaining the MAGA crowd…. other than the fact that DON THE CON himself scored in that ’85 and under range, which is called or defined as, below “normal.’ This is also probably a draw to his supporters who feel he is truly one of them, just as ignorant & lacking in knowledge of facts & history.

      Also… the “flaws” in the standardized IQ test relate more to difficulties testing individuals with ethnic & cultural differences such as black or hispanic minorities. Not individuals who have grown up in this country’s Christo-Judean Whiteness as many of the MAGAS have. If anything has affected their intellectual abilities, it’s exposure to the ideals of White Supremacy & rascism coupled with the conservative rejection of Scientific thought.

  3. “Coarsening” is a mild term for our current society but yeah, you’re correct. About the only good things (i.e. not coarse) in the P.Z. replies any more are generally to Michelle’s pootie/woozle submissions.

    Is this coarsening a permanent feature of the U.S.? I have no answer to that one other than my usual G.O.T.V. but even that might not reverse the trend. Still, couldn’t hurt.

    • There has always been the idea of the “Ugly American”, especially recognized among Europeans as American tourists out of their element & with almost a complete lack of understanding of other cultures, etc. DON THE CON is the epitome of the UGLY AMERICAN, completely lacking in any kind of culture or understanding of others… & not interested in making the effort to learn anything.

      When you think about it, it’s a strange circumstance that Americans do often have such a limited experience with other cultures given that America is known as a “Melting Pot” where immigrants from many countries have come to live & integrate into the American culture. It seems that integration into the American culture can have the effect of over-powering the individual cultures the immigrants brought with them from their countries.

  4. In eons past around this time of year, the NYT would do a short blurb on the yearly Filenes Basement event. This was the bargain basement of a department store in Boston. They’d put out the bargains and then open the doors and let the animals in. Mayhem ensued.

    Geez, maybe THAT’S where the “War on Christmas” ™ really began…

    This 17% has been with us forever. DonJohn just let them out of their cages. They will eventually be either rounded up or die off. Just recognize, as we are re-learning, they will always be “there.” Sunlight being the best disinfectant and all…

    The most important part of this great article is the excellent perspective: half of 34% is 17%. Not so scary in the larger scheme of things.

    Thanks again for keeping us all sane, Murf. Happy Holidays.

  5. Way back in 2013,when Obama was,president,we observed some truly appalling behavior –not once, but twice. The father of the or four kids rode a bike into the grocery section, while 7 or 8 year old pushed the cart. I reported this to a harried manager.

    She sighed deeply and said, ” It happens at least every couple of days, and we aren’t allowed to do anything about it. They aren’t stealing the bike and they aren’t making a racket or being violent, so the regional supervisor told us to.leave them alone because they’re buying stuff.”

    Now don’t get me wrong. If you are going a bike, it isn’t u reasonable to.pull one out of the rack to check the height, and make a short circle around the ravk. But riding one into the grocery section groceries? Some poor gonna have over the width of the store.

    And then one night around 11: 30,we went to.Wally Worrlf and encountered a mother and 3 brats. The threesome were running races in the aisle. They came damned close to.knocking me @$$ and into a display of pots on sale.

    Now there are two.things to know about me. The first is that I wss born with a scoliosis and that was exacerbated by 9 years of ballet which f’ed ankles and made me unstable,which is how I fell.down a concrete stairs to a concrete floo.and ended a back brace for 4months. Then 6 months later in college PE, I got hit in the bavk.with a hockey stick. I noe have facet joint syndrome. Had one of the hellspawn had knocked hsrx,,I would have fallen I to.A display of cookware, and there is a good I possibility that damned shelves might have landed on to.of me, and likely landed me in the hospital.

    The second thing is in circumstances like this, I’m not afraid, just angry. A large dog the size of a pony? Makes me laugh. A yearling Morgan horse decides to see how close he can get? I am giggling at his silliness. A 7year old boy intentionally tries over? I am as my grandmother would say, wrathy. I grabbed the little sh*te and marched him to.his mother who started to sound off about touching her precious little sociopath sand I told her to.shut up, that she was damned lucky I was speaking to.her,not store security nor the cops and that if I had been hurt, I would sue her for every dime she had any dreams she still.might have. And she really was abusive because kids that young should be home asleep not trying to hurt strangers,,and that if the cops had gotten involved, DFACS would have likely taken her to court and she would have lost custody.

    This has been coming on since 2000 or so. The huge difference is Trump.has made it not just acceptable but almost mandatory to behave like Godzilla on.meth.

    • Gillian… DON THE CON already looks fairly stupid & moronic on his own, with that mess on his head resembling an old duck tail pompadour which was in style back in the 50s & 60s. But I agree, his usual ridiculous appearance coupled with the stupid Hitler mustache does give him that even more comic “Mel Brooks movie” stupid Nazi look.

  6. This was the part that I found particularly entertaining & ironic.

    ‘And getting rid of Trump is not going to suddenly lead these idiots to some miraculous Come to Jesus moment. Not only are they incapable of seeing the light, they’re totally resistant to seeing the light. At this point, they love being insensitive *ssholes.’

    The “Come of Jesus moment” & “they are incapable of seeing the light” is particularly funny, considering that many of DON THE CON’S supporters call themselves Evangelical Christians.
    They have, of course, sold their souls to the Devil… which probably explains a lot of their behavior.


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