If you’re me these days, Trump and the RNC are the gifts that keep on giving. Just yesterday I wrote about how Trump’s wallet Hoovering of every large and small donor was bleeding the RNC< dry, making it almost impossible for them to effectively run down ballot races in 2024.

But I was reminded of new information today that I hadn’t factored in that puts a whole new slant on what’s going on between Trump, donors, and the RNC. Let me explain.

There’s the old saying, Book smart but street stupid. That most certainly doesn’t apply to Trump. He is far from an intelligent man. In fact, by everything I’ve seen and know from covering him, he’s exactly the opposite. Trump is a seasoned and experienced career grifter, who started small, learned the ropes, and ended up running real estate scams worth millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars. I like to think of Trump more as Henry Gondorf, Paul Newman’s character in The Sting, who set up an elaborate bunco scam on an Irish mobster.

Knowing that about my mindset should make it easier to keep up with what comes next. If you’ve seen The Sting, ask yourself this one question. What was the most critical part of the whole scam? Obviously it was the basement bookie shop. It was the repeated authentic look and  feel of the place that gave Doyle Lonigan the confidence to place that $1million bet. Here’s how it all connects.

I was reminded today that Traitor Tot has finally decided that RNC lap poodle’s Ronna Romney McDaniels’ tummy is no longer worth skritching. He wants to replace her with an uber MAGAT from North Carolina, and install his mentally deficient daughter-in-law Lara as the Deputy Chair. And for good measure, he wants to install a trusted MAGAt who can actually do the job to oversee the other two cretins.

Which begs the simple question, Why? What’s changed all of a sudden? McDaniel has been an amenable moron for six years, and you’re only nine months from election day, and on a glide slope to the nomination. Why upset the apple cart now? After all, you can always bounce her in retribution if you lose in November. Actually it’s simple.

Trump. Needs. Money. Great gobs of it. And from what I’ve seen from the FEC filings, the bloom is off of the Trump legal defense rose. According to the FEC filings, Trump’s small cash donations to his Leadership PAC, the easiest PAC to raid fpr legal fees. Also, small money donations are down to the campaign fund, and he has a harder time siphoning off large amounts of money without running afoul of the FEC. And while El Pendejo Presidente has forced fealty from big money donors, they can only donate so much directly without running afoul of the FEC.

What to do? How about The Sting? Trump needs great gobs of cash, but he’s hamstrung from being able to get it from deep pocket donors by law. If Trump gets his way, and his slobbering Trombie and idiot daughter-in-law take over, then the Republican National Committee is about to become the boiler shop bookie parlor from The Sting.

There are limits on how much corporations and deep pocket donors can make to candidates without having to make certain embarrassing disclosure admissions. But the RNC’s sole purpose is to give cash to needy candidates. That’s their primary job. Which is why if Trump is successful, the RNC is about to become a dark money laundromat for Trump’s personal use.

Deep pocket donors may not want to be publicly identified with massive donations to a raging sh*theels like Trump, but they can donate to the RNC to their hearts content. And then, in true Trump real estate money laundering heritage, the RNC can shovel brand new, freshly laundered greenbacks into Trump’s election campaign. And he can use that to cover the shortfalls he’s creating with his legal expenses.

Life imitates art. And if Trump completes his takeover of the RNC, then we’re about to see the most elaborate con job since The Sting. And if anybody can pull of a scam like that, it’s The Cheeto Prophet.

I thank your for the privilege of your time.

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  1. I don’t know. still don’t think think the big money people are going give that much knowing it’s going to trumps legal costs. they want to give to campaigns to et people elected. and bear in mind Trump still has to fund his campaign as well. while that consists mostly of rallies it costs a lot of money to fly that 747 around the country.


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