This is scary. Trump mocks someone in custody saying, “I can’t breathe.”

I hope everybody in America gets a chance to see this. Trump has always given permission to the baser elements of our society to act out. It’s not surprising that we’re seeing the spike of hate crimes and racial murders that we’ve seen.

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  1. Oh, between the crazier stuff like freaking JOURNALISTS getting busted and sane cops joining protesters as part of their community, word gonna get around. And that’s before this month’s COVID 19 casualties start spiking…

  2. When will we have had enough of this “president”? Trump belongs behind bars, just like Mitch McConnell and all the other elected officials that support trump without question. WE need a damned revolution!

    • After this weekend? We’ve had enough…more than enough. Have no fears of this level of outrage being forgotten, as COVID 19 and a self-destructing economy will finish what this weekend started.

      • I think and hope that we have arrived at important inflection point given the cumulative effects of all the events of the past week. The Dems need to take the White House, retain House majority and gain Senate majority. Then starting on day one, recognizing that a two-year clock began ticking, implement a flurry of legislation. Pass the the hundreds of bills in the bottom of McConnell’s desk, codify norms, abolish the Electoral College, remove all forms of voter suppression, enact criminal justice reform, overhaul the health care system, rejoin the international community, and all the other policies that polls keep showing Americans favor. Why two years? Because no one knows how the 2022 midterms will go. Hopefully the House is busy writing this legislation as we speak, so they will be prepared to act as soon as Biden is sworn in.

      • WE began to lose our DEMOCRACY the day trump went to the WH< and it is obvious PUTIN helped that is why trump received the RUSSIAN FEDERATION MEDAL OF HONOR. We now have to remove him in Nov 4, 2020 and be prepared on what he plans to do when he loses…

        • Jesus and Heru, man, take a breath. Better yet, do what you can to spread the message of the post to all voters for the next five months.

      • No longer? Trump himself has consistently made it clear he is president of less than half the American populace, in other words, he has never been president of America.

  3. I despise this man so much. I am starting to have visions which just pop into my mind unbidden of punching him in the mouth.


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