It’s interesting to watch somebody have a nervous breakdown publicly. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anything like it. The closest that I even know of from recent history was when Joseph McCarthy finally became an outcast and social pariah and he hid himself in a deserted office building because he was afraid to live in a regular house or apartment because “there were so many people who wanted to kill him.” That’s what I was told by a man I knew who had been his roommate in the Marines.

McCarthy’s fall from grace was spectacular for that era, but it was nothing like what we see in the 21st century with Donald Trump cracking up. He rages regularly on his social media site. Most of his ravings are transferred over to X, but not this one. This one was apparently deemed too off the walls for the people managing Trump’s X account. It’s not only a doozy, it’s vile and a case study for a psychiatrist.

There’s the obvious insult, calling the journalist who merely wrote the truth of the matter that Trump had fallen off the Forbes 400 list, a “third rate psycho.” That’s pretty normal for Trump, so that rolls off of our cultural psyche like water on a duck’s back, as numbed as we’ve become these past seven years. But when it gets into the paranoid delusion part, that’s what I find significant.

Trump is saying that Forbes has given “cooperation” to Letitia James. What cooperation? Printing an article that Trump is broker than he likes people to believe? Facts are facts. If Trump lost money on Truth Social (as the article said) and that’s sure enough a matter of public record, then that’s that. Figures don’t lie. Figures are not subject to opinion. Ten is ten whether you wish it was one or one hundred, it’s still ten and there’s no way to get around it. Trump doesn’t like that kind of simplicity. He only likes things and situations that he can manipulate to his liking and alas, with numbers, manipulation turns into fraud pretty easily.

Then the delusion gets intense and goes into Caine Mutiny level ravings. The Chinese Communists own Forbes and “China will do anything to stop MAGA.” Time out: I thought Trump loved Xi Jinping? He was glowing about him just the other day, “He rules 1.4 billion people with an iron fist.” Why would China want to stop MAGA when it’s another authoritarian cult?

Then calling Forbes a “globalist rag” is normal, but claiming “it’s part of a propaganda play against TRUMP” implicates a world wide plot, literally. Forbes, a globalist rag, which cooperates with Letitia James in taking him down, is owned by the Chinese Communists, who will do anything to stop MAGA. Paranoid, much, to think that the entire world is out to get you, personally?

That’s how it reads. I don’t know what medication the man takes, and whether this is a sign of him being off it, but it seems to me that this is not even normal for a person in a regular run of the mill job, let alone an intensely stressful one like leader of the free world. Which Trump never was, obviously, when he held the job of president before. Angela Merkel was to all intents and purposes the leader of the free world in those years.

Here’s what followed in this thread. Truth Social is a unique social media cesspool, although Elon Musk seems hell bent on bottoming Truth Social and becoming even worse. It will be interesting to see how that dark competition plays out.

This is the hard-core MAGA QAnon stuff that doesn’t make it over to Twit X.

Look at this deranged imagery. There are four guns labeled “indictment” along with all the others labeled everything from HRC to Soros to Fake News. The entire universe is against poor Donald. Where are the Klingons and the Romulans, I wonder?

And here we go, blatantly breaking the terms of his release on bail, yet once again. He specifically is prohibited from doing this. Not just this, but trashing Letitia James or anybody else involved in legal prosecution against him, including officers of the court or jurors or witnesses.

There you have it, two district attorneys, one attorney general, one special prosecutor and one judge. He is emphatically proscribed from doing this, yet he sneaks it in by allowing it in his Truth Social feed. I don’t think the argument that “one of my followers posted it in my feed” is going to fly as a defense.

Now this is what did make it over to Twit-X. This is Trump the authoritarian telling you who will be gone in 2028 and who will be in their place.

At the end of his next four years there will be another four years and another four years, as Trump occupies the White House until he’s carried out feet first. And then Ivanka will become Queen and Jared will be her Prince Consort. And Junior will run off with Melania, who’s a year younger than Kimberly, unless they decide to make it a menage a trois.

And public executions will take place in this demented new world order that Trump conceives. We literally have a lunatic running for our highest office who is threatening to eradicate democracy and replace it with authoritarianism. And his loony followers are totally on board for that.

Meanwhile, the GOP displays ongoing fragmentation and dysfunction. Let’s see if the House in fact has a Speaker 24 hours from now, like they’re claiming they will. I wouldn’t bet the farm on it, let’s just put it that way. Or, maybe the GOP conference will get so screwed up that a few Republicans in districts that Joe Biden won decide to keep the government functioning and band together to election Hakeem Jeffries Speaker. That is not as far fetched a proposition as it may have sounded even one week ago. I would give that a 40/60 chance of happening, to be honest.

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  1. I still contend that a judge should enforce the order by committing Trump for a psych evaluation, rather than jail time, and bar outside communication with anyone except his attorneys and place them under a strict gag order not to talk to the press about anything Trump would like them to convey to the public. Jail makes him a martyr. Asylum makes it official that he is crazy.

    • Good point. And lets face it, if any one of us was raving about a global conspiracy of a financial magazine teaming up with an attorney general and Chinese communists to get us, we would be in for a psych evaluation.

  2. It would be a great help to American society if your “news” would offer some of this material to the public, instead of “Biden beats his dog and he’s old” stories. Who is it going to hurt if the press reports the truth? Oh, wait, it took them 4+ years to use the word “Lie,” so there’s that…

    • Nobody cries louder or more often than I do about how the press needs to change its political reporting style more than I do. Access journalism has poisoned the well.

  3. For god’s sake, take the damned phone away from him and lock him up somewhere, anywhere! Haven’t we all had quite enough of his ranting/raving/whining/sniveling, his paranoid delusions? I know I have.

    • Carol I understand exactly what you mean. as far as im concerned Joe Biden is the best president we have ever had….. I don’t care what he does as long as he continues to quietly go about the business of President in. I was so tired of the daily trump drama trauma clown show. The media can’t quit him so he is still in the daily news but somehow it is better when he isn’t the head of state embarrassing the nation.

  4. In your list of slanders spewed by Trump, you omitted the worst: “Peekaboo” James. That’s a serreptitious synonym for a vile racist term with which it rhymes. I refuse to even type it, but Trump knows full well that his white supremacist sycophants know exactly what he’s saying. How much longer will this appalling excuse for a man be allowed to poison all of us with his psychopathic hatred?



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