P.T. Barnum famously said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” Now Donald Trump is proving that he’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of his MAGA cult. He probably does expect MAGA to believe that Jesus was right there in court with him today.

What’s that you say? Why isn’t Jesus wearing a MAGA cap? Dunno. For that matter, why isn’t he carrying an AR-15? This is recirculating on Twit-X again.

A slight revision.

Here’s Trump complaining that he didn’t get to have a jury trial. That’s his lawyer’s fault, nobody else’s.

This is trial one, three more to go — and E. Jean Carroll, Take 2.

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  1. Why am I agnostic? If there was a god somewhere said god would have “miracled” Trump’s phone with a lightening bolt so strong it would have fried him to an ash heap when he pressed the button to post that shit. If I’m wrong and there is a god after all what kind of god would allow a Donald Trump to attain a position/status that would allow all the harm to humanity Trump has done and will continue to do? Damage that will continue for at least a generation when he’s finally dead and his grave is being pissed on by people like me? I’ll tell you – a god that enjoys f**king with good and decent people. As I recall even Old Testament god, the fire & brimstone one that RWNJ “Christians love way the hell more than they do their Jeebus felt guilty about what he did to Job. Decided not to do something like that again. To screw with someone so much just to “test” them. Well, if such a god ever existed he/she/it is dead, checked out where the human race and earth is concerned or as I said has a sadistic streak. IOW an asshole.

  2. Unfair to.Satan,who is kinder and much better looking.

    Hey, Donnie Donuts, your lawyers effed up. And you should be grateful. A jury of Manhattan items would be much worse. The judge has to follow the law. A jury of average NYC workers doesn’t, and they loathe ypu.

  3. Can’t remember for sure. I know Keanu Reeves was a information smuggler with some sort of computer in his skull. I want to say escape from New York. Had Ice T as head of a gang with a dolphin that could hack people’s brains. Anyway long story short there was a crazy preacher all dressed up that was trying to chop Keanu Reeves head off because he was carrying the cure fo a disease 🦠.


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