How do you tell Ronna McDaniel to get screwed without telling her to get screwed? Ask Donald Trump. He did that just today. Trump announced that he not only would not be attending the third GOP presidential primary debate on November 8 in Miami (where McDaniel went out of her way to put it, as a convenience to him) he doesn’t want anybody to watch it.
On the night of the second GOP debate Trump put together a photo op in Michigan where he was reportedly talking to the auto workers’ union about their strike then in progress, but in fact he was talking to auto parts workers in a non-union shop. No matter, in his mind. He had Newsmax, RSBN and the others put out the right chyrons and interview him, so fakery led the day.
But with respect to the third GOP debate, Trump is going all out. He’s staging what has been called a “massive rally” in Hialeah, Florida for November 8 and here’s what he put up on Truth Social and X. He’s also doing mob speak, telegraphing the result he wants, like Michael Cohen always said he did.
There you have it, the third debate is characterized as “the next and probably last one.” Why? Why because King Donald the Mango MAGA personality cult leader says so, that’s why.
And take this one step further: in saying that the debates should just cease, he’s throwing sand in the gears of the nomination process, not that that comes as any surprise. It’s merely interesting how overt he’s being about the entire thing. The GOP primary process is a big joke to him, and evidently his lordship is not amused and so he’s putting his foot down now and telling the Republicans to just stop screwing around already.
And here’s something else that’s obvious: of course he wants the wheels of progress to stop right now. He’s scared $hitless. He’s got all these trials, legal problems, now the gag orders are becoming complicated, and he needs the party to get behind him right now and coronate him. That’s what he needs. And he damn well expects it to happen, too.
Trump’s been spending a lot of time in Iowa lately. He’s worried a lot about getting the Iowa endorsement in the primary. Why? Especially since Ted Cruz got it in 2016 and then Trump went on to clobber Ted Cruz? I’ll tell you why: it’s because Trump has to have the illusion that this is a done deal, that he’s not only a candidate for president but he’s already the nominee. He needs to get in a time machine to next summer and have the convention tell him he’s their guy. Only he can’t wait that long, so he needs the decision to be made right now.
Plus, if the GOP coronates him now, then he can proclaim that he is indeed a presidential candidate. He’s a candidate for the nomination now and that’s not good enough. He’s pushing this political martyr fable and so he needs to be the actual candidate in order to get the most mileage out of that. He needs the label, GOP Candidate For President and not just “frontrunner” or “former president.” He needs to have the illusion, at least, that the entire party is behind him. “L’etat c’est moi” is what he needs, and he needs it yesterday.
I daresay that one or more of his lawyers gave him bad news today. That’s a fair assumption to make, especially since Kenneth Chesebro flipped Friday morning. That is not good. Not on top of Sidney Powell doing the same thing yesterday. So yes, the lawyers had a confab with Trump and they told him things were not looking good.
So the only way to pull the fat from the fire and save himself is to become the GOP nominee right now, way ahead of schedule.
Can he do it? Who knows? As screwed up and rudderless as this GOP is right now, anything is possible. Although the fact of the matter is, if there was a secret ballot taken in both the House and Senate, like the one that was taken in the House today, vis a vis Jim Jordan, I’ll bet you anything that Republican members of Congress would vote that they didn’t want Trump to be their nominee.
And he may know that, too, in some corner of his mind that he doesn’t like to visit very often. You know, the one that wakes him up in a panic at 3:30 a.m. and sends him to his phone to post on social media and process his feelings. His feelings of terror, we should say.
The next move is on the part of the GOP, fragmented and gutless. It will be interesting to see what they do, Birdbrain, Meatball, the lot of them.
Never a dull moment. The show must go on.
Or go off, in this case. Trump doesn’t want the debates to continue. Or the primary. He just wants the party to unite behind him and right now.
Don’t you mean 💩 show?
Give that monkey a typewriter and let’s just see if he can win the Nobel prize for literature. My bet after all these months is 10,000 words repeating: all work and no play make Donald a dull boy. all work and no play make Donald a dull boy. all work and no play make Donald a dull boy. all work and no play make Donald a dull boy. Cue up Mr Grady, a.k.a., Mr Bannon to give him a tutorial on ‘correcting’ Ms. McDaniel for interfering. Hail to the king.
Very good. He’s cracking up like the guy in The Shining. Yes, I can see that. :))
Pretty soon he’ll be using a fire axe on Me Lanka’s triple locked bedroom door and yelling,”Here’s see deer d’s Donnie!”
Well, he can spin it however he wants but until July or August (whenever the GOP convention is actually held), he is NOT the “Republican nominee” (nominee presumptive, but that doesn’t mean jack squat for any legal intents or purposes) and even being the “nominee” doesn’t mean diddily. He will still face all of his legal troubles, no matter what political title he wants to claim.
That has probably been explained to him countless times. What I think is happening now is that Trump has simply decided that if he’s cut the nomination sewed up, then he can use that to push a claim of political persecution — which he’s doing anyway, to no avail. But the man is not logical, that’s for openers. And now his back is up against the wall so he’s desperate. And desperate people do desperate things.
It doesn’t mean diddly – legally.
But he’s hoping and praying like hell that if he lays claim to the nomination RIGHT NOW he can instigate some good ol’ Stochastic Terrorism (which he’s too stupid to spell) some of his worshippers will start shooting lawyers, judges, etc.
these Republican cult members should nominate Vladimir Putin. That’s essentially what they’re doing by nominating TFG. his next move should be to select Gym Jordan as his running mate. that way all these pretenders to the throne running for the nomination can just pack it up and go home because they’re just running to see who’s going to be his running mate anyway. Chris Christie can stay because he has finally seen the light and has begun speaking the truth about the evil one.
His trial defense is going to be presidential candidate immunity, but why stop there? He’ll then claim the presidentcy because the elections are rigged and order his marching maga-morons to storm the Capitol. This is 50’s pulp science fiction come true.
You’d think more and more of the ‘pube base would see drumpf’s debate avoidance for what it is: cowardice. Of course, we’re dealing with a whole lotta folks who think the moon landing was faked, the 9/11 terror attacked was performed by our own people, and vaccinated people “shed” the Covid virus–you know, idiots.
Hasn’t Judge Chutkan already said that just because Traitor Tot is running for president doesn’t mean squat?
Whether he is running or is the nominee is no different – he’s still running. She said just ‘cuz ya have a day job…