Are you familiar with the word “foreshadowing?” It’s a literary term and it means “a warning or indication of a future event.” In fiction, like in life, nothing comes out of the blue. It’s been foreshadowed in advance. And the foreshadowing may be subtle. As a matter of fact, the more subtle it is, the better the dramatic effect.

Donald Trump foreshadowed how he’s going to explain his loss in November. It was subtle, but if you listened, you caught it. He was at a rally in New Hampshire tonight and there was an ugly scene. He had a guy thrown out of the rally. There was a moment of frenzy, when you wondered if the mob was going to jump on the man and pound him into a bloody pulp like in The Day Of The Locust. But not tonight. This is a two-minute clip (from Trump’s Two-Minute Hate, which is what his rallies amount to.) At 1:30 pay close attention to what Trump says.

Did you get that last thirty seconds? George Soros is paying for all this and he’s not just sending checks to the yous and mes, he’s sending them to MAGAs now. And Trump, being the essence of magnanimity, has graciously told the MAGAs, “do what you have to do.” That’s right, Trump understands if a starving MAGA needs to take George Soros’ thousand bucks — and hey! Look on the bright side! If you’re a MAGA and you get $1,000 from George, you can just turn it over to Donald Trump. Well, maybe keep a fiver or so, hell, keep a sawbuck. Trump’s a generous man.

Trump made that remark because when push comes to shove, he’s going to not only claim that the election was rigged and stolen — again — he’s going to claim that MAGAs were bought off by billionaires. Bookmark this video and come back to it post-November 5. See if Trump doesn’t do this.

He knows the situation is out of control. And that galls him to no end. But what is he going to do? He’s got to keep running to run the country that he tried to overthrow when he ran it before because he’s really running from the law. Run, Donald, run.

What other choice does he have but to run? Suspend? It occurred to him to threaten MAGA with just that. Have you seen this gem?

Raw Story:

Other Trump fundraising come-ons over the years have likewise been misleading or outright lies.

Emails from the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee — a joint fundraising vehicle involving Trump’s campaign committee and his Save America political action committee — continued streaming before the Iowa caucuses started.

One declared a forthcoming victory, asking for supporters for donations in the preselected amounts of $20.24 and $47 “IF YOU THINK DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME.

Other Trump fundraising come-ons over the years have likewise been misleading or outright lies.

Emails from the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee — a joint fundraising vehicle involving Trump’s campaign committee and his Save America political action committee — continued streaming before the Iowa caucuses started.

One declared a forthcoming victory, asking for supporters for donations in the preselected amounts of $20.24 and $47 “IF YOU THINK DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME.”


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  1. my gut feeling is that the upcoming NV Primary and R caucus is
    going to be rediculous and maybe very low turnout at the primary polls, new for this year.

    “The (R) party’s decision to hold a caucus has split candidates. Former President Donald Trump is running in the caucus, alongside Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, while former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley opted to run in the primary — the only major candidate still in the race to do so.”

  2. wait till people start hearing about the caucus in NV
    which has only trump and some other minor candidates.
    basically the NV GOP decided to stay with caucusing since a new law
    enacted standard primary voting in NV starting this year.

    It’s called PPP and the only GOP major presidential candidate in it is Haley.
    And trump is in the caucus. basically it seems to be that it will automatically
    give chimp all the electors because the PPP is not eligible by GOP standards
    to have electors sent.

    guess who will still be claiming fraud most foul
    despite having the electors being practically dropped in his diaper…

  3. Given the way they passed around grocery bags and popcorn buckets to stuff ballots in at Iowa, maybe he’ll get more Hitler Youth to print off a few thousand. Funny how all these fascists repeat the same lies since 2015 unless they win, then it’s crickets. Of course, all the voter fraud found was done by THEM, including Mark Meadows running his lying ‘christian’ ass around screaming the same, while declaring he was a resident at a cabin in the mts of NC, which was a lie. Of course, the timidity of the law didn’t hold him accountable since he wasn’t poor and black. Equal Justice anyone????



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