“Politics has always had a feral side to it,” quipped Harry Reid, but I don’t think he ever foresaw this pack of wolves slavering through the streets of Washington. Donald Trump has let loose the Republican id, like a genie from a bottle, and in today’s GOP anything goes. His comments about Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Mike Pence have been ugly, to say the least. Today he let fly at DeSantis. Whether this was before or after he danced off stage in New Hampshire, I’m not sure. He dances like a drunken, arthritic koala after talking about the breakout of war in Israel, yet DeSantis is the one having a mental breakdown?

Donald Trump threw shade on one of his leading rivals Monday, claiming that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was auditioning to become an MSNBC talking head.

The former president is convinced DeSantis will bow out of the race in 15 days – and he said recent revelations that the Sunshine State pol was planning an appearance on Morning Joe Tuesday was him readying his fallback career plan.

“When Ron DeSanctimonious decides to appear on Morning Mike during a Republican primary, you know he’s desperate and on the verge of having a mental breakdown,” Trump said on his election site, before needling the governor for earlier guest appearances on Real Time with Bill Maher and The View.

“However, this may be DeSanctus auditioning on the MSNBC casting couch hoping to get a contributorship when his campaign eventually flames out. In the end, there is no job, Ron.”

Trump boasted how he is far out earning DeSantis with a war chest filled with $45.5 million along with $36 million “on hand” to spend on the primary.

The sum “dwarfed” other candidates’ piggy banks. DeSantis has raised $9.1 million and Nikki Haley has raised $11 million, he said.

The mystery here is if Trump is doing so well, and supposedly he’s got 57.8% of the projected vote while DeSantis only has 14.8%, why rub it in?

“As DeSantus makes his last stand, it’s clear Ron is hell-bent on completely beclowning himself before his dying campaign grinds to a halt,” Trump wrote.

Well, isn’t that cheerful. Great sporting attitude, may the best man win, all that. Talley ho, pip pip. And then being Trump he had to end on a mob boss, Godfather note: “KISS OF DEATH COUNTDOWN: 15 Days Left” DeSantis broke his heart, we guess.

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  1. Remember when parents raised their children to drop the childish name-calling generally before the child entered junior high? Ma and Pa drumpf sure were a couple of idiots when it came to raising kids.

    • Trumps emotional growth stopped when he was in early childhood. His response to everything is the response of a child. If you completely disregard his entire teenage &adult life and just think about the horrifying Dysfunction he clearly grew up in, it makes you weep for that child. Sadly, his adult behavior is so contemptuously abhorrent and deliberately so, that it’s hard to keep in mind that he likely NEVER had ANYONE comfort him. Not as a 2 year old, not as a 3 year old, not as a 4 year old..one has to wonder what happened when he was 7-9 yo that made that emotional growth slam to a halt. Don’t spend much time pitying him. He knows right from wrong. He KNOWS he’s an abhorrent human-given how much projecting he does…he’s FULLY AWARE he’s an despicable deranged moron.

      • Trump acts like a spoiled child, but he’s very insecure. He has to have the spotlight . Wonder what he would look like now if his father hadn’t left him $ 400 million dollars when he died ?

  2. Trump’s just jealous because “Morning Joe” (or is that “Morning Mike”) didn’t invite him on the show. You know Trump would jump on that invitation in a heartbeat because it’d give him more fuel for his grift–probably something along the lines of “Joe’s so desperate for ratings that he NEEDS Donald J Trump to boost his ratings. And a Donald J Trump appearance would lead to bigly ratings for him and he knows it.”

  3. “…why rub it in?”. Rub it in because Trump exhibits cruelty to others to pleasure himself. As stated by Mary Trump in her book, with Trump, cruelty is the point. Trump is like the kid who frys bugs on the sidewalk with a magnifying glass. He must be stopped.

  4. The only thing Donnie Donuts has gotten right is calling DeSantis “DeSanctimonious.” The governor is appealing to the dumbest evangelical conservatives in FL. I am hoping that the intelligent retirees have realized that DeSaster wants to.kill.Social Security and Medicare, and want nothing to do.with him,–or Trump.


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