I must say, this does make some kind of sense. Earlier tonight Donald Trump took to Truth Social and steamed about Alvin Bragg and Stormy Daniels. “The Racist Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg [who is Black] is being pushed relentlessly by the Radical Left Democrats, the Fake News Media, and the ‘Department of ‘Injustice,’ to bring charges against me for the now ancient ‘no affair’ story of Stormy ‘Horseface’ Danials.” [sic]

And this isn’t all that’s there. No Trump is having one of his meltdowns tonight,

The U.S. Injustice Department, which has dangerously become the Radical Left Democrats WEAPONIZED SYSTEM OF LAW, is threatening and harassing many people that work for me, wanting them to say anything bad in order to be left alone or even, set free. They are being carted off to Washington, D.C., and put before a Grand Jury, where the modern day Gestapo does everything in its power to make them look and sound as bad as possible. This Soviet style of “Justice” is going to take down the U.S.A. Bad!

Interesting he’s in such a bad mood when tomorrow, we are told, he’s got a packed “monster” crowd at CPAC dying for the opportunity to enthuse over him. But this would explain it. Somebody in Trump world, an unnamed spokesperson posted a statement on Truth Social praising the DOJ when in point of fact the brief quoted is totally negative to Trump’s case. They totally misread it. Newsweek:

The office of former President Donald Trump has offered confusing praise for a Department of Justice (DOJ) brief that rejected Trump’s claims of presidential immunity over his actions on January 6.

Trump shared to Truth Social on Thursday a statement that suggested the DOJ “agreed” with his claim of “absolute immunity” regarding his activities on the day the U.S. Capitol was attacked by his supporters. In reality, the DOJ brief, filed Thursday as part of a civil case related to the Capitol attack, argues in favor of rejecting Trump’s claim.

The statement, attributed to the former president’s “spokesperson,” denounced “witch hunts” and suggested that President Joe Biden would be held “personally liable” for multiple wrongdoings if the DOJ did not agree with Trump.


What is hilarious about this, is that you notice that it says “the office” of Donald Trump. Why didn’t Trump chime in and post this under his own name, which is usually the case? There’s a back story here which I could kill to know. Unless I miss my guess, this is head on pike time.

I can only assume somebody in Trump world finally explained this to Trump, what the brief really said, and how the spokesperson effed it up on Truth Social and then the ketchup bottles took wing.

“Leading an attempted coup falls WELL outside presidential duties.” That’s it in a nutshell.

A dummy surrounded by dummies, but that’s usually the way of it, n’est ce pas? And the GOP may very well put him atop their ticket in 2024. That is the way it’s shaking down right now.


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    • As stated, I would kill to know the back story. It occurred to me that maybe Trump has people in his own camp sabotaging him, and maybe that’s what that screwed up statement was. In which case, he’s got trains coming at him from BOTH sides, barreling down the track. :))

  1. I find it more than a little ironic how diapers constantly insults Ms. Daniels looks when his eldest daughter is a washed out mess when compared to her. Of course, Ms. Daniels is not diapers’ daughter so maybe that lessens her appeal. sad. lol


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