Donald Trump is showing his true colors and it’s not the least bit surprising: he’s Norma Desmond in training. He even said once that he likes the movie “Sunset Boulevard” so maybe it’s because he sees himself in the character of the once-great silent movie star, who lives in a bubble of her own creation and surrounds herself with people who pen scripts and fan mail for her, to bolster her fantasy that she’s not forgotten and is in fact going to be right back on top again, after her next picture.

Monday, Donald Trump got yet another blow from pollsters, who show his approval numbers going down and who show him trailing Joe Biden by an ever increasing margin. So apparently he blew his stack, threatened to restructure his campaign and began taking matters into his own hands by hiring a company to analyze what he claims are “fake” “suppression polls.”

Now he’s got somebody on the payroll to tell him what he wants to hear. Okey doke. It looks like this is how it’s going to be for the next five months, fake news, fake polls, and I think it’s safe to say that when he loses, fake election. Look for that to be Trump’s newest mantra, “fake electionl”  He’ll spin a fantastical conspiracy theory, the greatest one ever conceived, about how he was robbed of his second term. This is Donald Trump we’re talking about. He’s a child and he’s insane.

Be that as it may, let’s take a look at his “highly respected pollster” source, here. Now bear in mind, this is at first blush and all will be fact checked at some point. Trump’s newest front in the war on reality is not going to go ignored, of that you may be sure and this is what’s available right now on Twitter. And that’s all this is, I want to be clear.

This matter is going to require expertise above my pay grade. But at least here are a few reactions and we’ll see what Jay Silver and some of the other reputable firms have to say. Bottom line, this is vintage Trump, denial laced with hostility and paranoia. It’s going to be a long hot summer and a very strange campaign — but you knew that.


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    • My prediction is that we’ll get a master class in polling this election. Which is good. I know very little about polling.

      • Yeah I know all I want about polling. I screen my calls. I figure if you want to talk to me bad enough you will leave a message. And with caller ID I get the numbers I recognize for important stuff.

  1. Per the Daily Beast, it gets worse from there in terms of feeding Trump’s delusions. They currently have ads running in two places: the Washington DC market (which only has 3 Electoral College votes, all going to Biden) and MSNBC. Neither of these seem to get him a single Electoral or real vote. It’s to keep Donald pacified if he’s watching.

    Oh and at least Norma Desmond was once something. Trump makes me think of another line from Sunset Boulevard: “Poor dope…he always wanted a swimming pool.”

  2. The only enthusiasm he would be receiving is his base. As far as I know, they are shrinking. Even in 2016, he lost the popular vote. Now, things are drastically different. He really has no clue.

    • Fits with what I’ve seen. The 2016 victory was a narrow one, meaning Trump HAD to hold onto every voter who went his way. That ad hoc coalition of opportunists and the indifferent seems to be slipping through his fingers like, dare I say, snowflakes.

  3. Joseph gobbles would get his old job back as minister of propaganda. That is unless orangebob shitpants was threatened by Joe’s PhD, (once again showing Nazis aren’t all uneducated buffoons). The only ultimate “persuasion” was Normandy. We either fight with votes, or…

    • “Gobbles” works too, as he had a voracious ego and was an ill-tempered backbiter. Gee, who does that remind you of?

    • Well, if we’re into correcting spellings, it is Goebbels. Who was Hitler’s most trusted colleagues in infamy and terror. But I do like Gobbles too, for obvious reasons 🙂

  4. Lies, damn lies, and polls. He can always find someone to tell him what he wants to hear. The simple fact is the only polls that matter are on November 3.

    • Sure…but I’ll take all the encouragement for our side and panic from the other that I can get in the meantime. I look forward to the electorate telling Trump and his toadies what Paul “The Waiter” Ricca said to people he didn’t like: “I want to go away.”

  5. This was so interesting U. That polling corp sounds like they are trafficking in cherrypicked statistics and maybe even manipulation or untruths.

  6. Boy ain’t that something. Now you have taken care of mainstream media. Now what’s your excuse for Fox and other right wing polls. I really want to see something there.


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