The term “jumping the shark” means to do a gimmick in order to generate publicity for something once wildly successful, but no longer so. It also describes the point in a TV series where outlandish events are included for novelty only, indicative of a decline in quality. In the reality TV show known as Donald Trump’s life, that point was reached a few weeks ago in Mar-a-Lago, where Trump pouted and preened and called Mitch McConnell a “dumb son of a bitch,” and a “stone cold loser,” and also called Mike Pence a “coward.” This was vintage Trump, designed to rile the base. This is what got all the big ratings in 2016. And now? Crickets. It was not the resounding come back he hoped it would be. The Week:

But wait, isn’t this what Trump always does? He rants and raves about his grievances and a sizable faction of Republican voters lap it up — right?

Not exactly. When Trump ran for president in 2016, he bonded with his audiences mainly on their terms, placing himself in their camp, defending and championing them against all the fools and crooks who had turned the country into a “disaster” (his favorite adjective during the general election campaign). Once he’d ascended to the White House and found himself in the position of having to defend himself against charges of collusion with Russia and other misdeeds, Trump’s public remarks were much more defensive and focused on himself. But he was also the president, which allowed his fixation on “deep state” antagonists to be transmuted into a battle for Republican survival more generally.

But now? Either Trump is the sorest loser in the history of American democracy — the Big Baby his critics always claimed he was — or else he really did win in a landslide and yet nonetheless allowed himself to be deposed and banished to South Florida while Joe Biden effortlessly took over the White House in a coup. Either way, he looks very small indeed. […]

The great irony here is that Trump has been so successful at remaking the GOP in his own image that the party doesn’t really need him anymore. Sure, they’ll try to avoid provoking his wrath. But every viable candidate for president in 2024 is going to be following Trump’s lead on immigration, trade, and waging a rhetorically ferocious culture war against the left — and most of them will be doing it without Trump’s own considerable personal liabilities, including the hatred of a large swath of the electorate.

Put in slightly different terms, the 2020 election results show that Trump has given Republicans a potentially fruitful way forward — but also that he can’t be the one to lead the way there because he’s a drag on the party. Trump’s own dead weight, and not some cockamamie conspiracy, is what accounts for his loss last year despite Republicans doing so well down ballot.

Trump will likely go down in history as a blunt instrument who shattered a staid consensus on the right but who was far too widely loathed and incompetent at governing to deliver the party to the Promised Land himself. That’s never been clearer than it is right now.

I don’t know if he “shattered a broad consensus” so much as he splintered the rotted log that was the GOP, fracturing it beyond repair. Right now the Republican party is a dysfunctional and fragmented mess. If it finds its bearings in actual conservatism and goes back to its roots, it will probably do okay. But to follow the path of Trumpism is sure destruction. If/when some of the QAnon crazies in Congress, the House especially, go down the tubes in 2022, that will be a sure sign that this mad phase in American politics was just that, a mad phase. Or, maybe Trumpism without Trump will be the face of the new GOP.  As always, time will tell.

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  1. Trump may turn out to be the first president to go to prison for his part in the Capitol Insurrection and other probable crimes. If that happens there is no future for trumpism in the GOP.

    • No one will touch that court room drama with a 10 foot pole. American justice is what you can make stick in a courtroom with ironclad certainty, the rest don’t count. You’re better off accepting that they’ll Al Capone him for a fraction of that bull he has pulled with his taxes and his assets over these last 50+ years.

      • They need to do a complete review of every one in congress. Drain the swamp
        There is no reason for any person to remain In office for over 8 years
        They lose touch with reality and the people. They need to start with Biden and Hunter
        It has been questioned since before election of their ties to China and other countries. Let them see how they hold up to the crap President Trump since he decided to run for office. They are afraid what are they hiding???

        • Previous guy earned and deserved every bit of “crap” that was thrown at him. Russia put him in office. America replaced him at our first opportunity.

  2. “splinter(ing) the rotted log that was the GOP, fracturing it beyond repair” explains why we are seeing so many slithering, creepy things, not used to being exposed to light, running around frantically, unsure of what to do.

  3. He who shall not be named peaked when it slimed out from under its sh*thole rock in 1946, and has been slimeing on a downhill slide ever since, leaving a slimy stinking trail behind it like some kind of zombie slug! The best thing it could do is disappear, but but the best we can expect is for it so stay in its slime pit in FL until it get convicted and imprisoned.

    • You need to slime back under the rock you came out of talking s*** about President Trump you ain’t nothing but a slime bucket worthless piece of s*** to make comments like this and you know what God will punish you he will punish you tremendously and I hope the wrath of God comes down on you and punishes you so hard that you will not live to see the next day coming

      • Ah, another missive from a conservative Christian – one of those “fuck Jesus’ message about God being love, and forgiveness and all that namby pamby New Testament stuff! Nothing but Old Testament “wrath of God” for people like you eh Tamara?

        • THIS, Tamara comment, has a death wish threat in it, not something a mentally stable person would think to say, much less put it in print …

          With limited intelligence, a person has a tough time being civil, and obviously does not understand that the Internet never forgets … if this person was investigated for issuing these kinds of threats at any time, these comments would certainly surface and the result could be quite detrimental to this person’s future … this person has a lot of trouble with sentence structure and punctuation something she/he never learned apparently …

      • Let me get this straight… disrespecting trump brings the wrath of god down on you… but disrespecting your fellow neighbor does not? You just wished death on someone over a political opinion. Do you really believe Jesus would approve of your behavior? I honestly feel sorry for you.

      • Oy vey.

        Honey, get some help. If you do not see the contradiction of what you wrote, you definitely need it. I’ve a feeling hoping for the wrath of G_d will not turn out the way you think it will.

        Your guy lost, by millions of votes, in a free and fair election. Get over it and yourselves.


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