When Rupert Murdoch said that he could not support a Trump run in 2024, it appears that he meant it. Of course, none of us know the editorial dynamic flowing from ownership, down through executives and then the on-air “talent”. Still, you can bet that the entire rung down the ladder knows who signs the checks, literally or figuratively. Regardless, Fox News really is in the tank for DeSantis, and you don’t need to take my word for it.

This is a tweet from June 21st, and no one watches Trump, DeSantis, Florida, or Fox more than Ron and his team. One can take this observation to the bank:

And so, primarily because Fox has become a running commercial for Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump is throwing a temper-tantrump at least once a week. There is no one on earth with a greater sense of entitlement than Donald Trump, and he believes he is 100% entitled to Fox’s loyalty, even if he might have cost them $1.6 billion in damages or more.

This is from this morning:

FoxNews is promoting Ron DeSanctus so hard and so much that there’s not much time left for Real News. Reminds me of 2016 when they were pushing “JEB!” The new Fox Poll, which have always been purposely terrible for me, has “TRUMP Crushing DeSanctimonious,” but they barely show it. Instead they go with losers like Karl Rove, Paul Ryan and now, even “Yesper,” who have been wrong about everything! Isn’t there a big, beautiful, Network which wants to do well, and make a fortune besides? FAKE NEWS!

What is he saying? Is he actually saying that a “NEWS” organization that is in the tank for Donald Trump would be “real” and “make a fortune besides”? But that doesn’t sound like a news organization… which brings us right back around to Fox. You had Sean Hannity playing the role of de facto Chief of Staff, Tucker running interference for January 6th, and Ingraham making sure no one was scared of COVID.

Well, times change. Maybe Trump should take this as a message… Nah. He needs to run, and he really would like to win so that he is at least 50% protected from possible criminal charges.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: Much Left Ado


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  1. If he stood to lose billions in a lawsuit he may sing a different tune. Oh. Wait. He’s up to his neck in criminal investigations…nevermind.

  2. I feel he did a great job bringing companies back to the USA and I still feel in his years of president he did a great job, but after covid and not giving up on losing the election he kept doing destructive things like Jan 6 , having racists and nazi leaders over for dinner. what happened???
    how can you run in 2024 when you totally self destructive yourself.

  3. Let’s face it president Trump has a terrible image problem and the things that come out of his mouth are absolutely ridiculous but having said that, he did a great job for our country and he would continue to do a great job for our country, he just needs to keep his big mouth shut and stop throwing temper tantrums.

  4. James…so a great job is standing with the nazis in Virginia that killed a girl? A great job is destroying families at the border by breaking the asylum laws? A great job is shitting on the military every turn of the road as a draft dodger? A great job is to try to destroy nato? A great job is killing a million citizens by lying daily about vaccines, masks, science, etc.? A great job is holding Ukraine hostage illegally withholding money congress approved? There are many more examples of YOU being blind deaf and, evidently a nazi supporter. Facts.


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