Those few synapses in the meager number of healthy brain cells not destroyed by Adderall, in the skull which is covered by the merest of strands of hair, of this speaker, are not firing properly. Donald Trump is actually talking about the money he got from Mexico for the wall. Yes, that wall. His vanity project wall. I expect him to tear up and start saying Sir any moment, this is such a yarn.

This gif encapsulates my feelings perfectly.

Yes, we are here listening to this.

We might as well leave on that note. This has gotten positively surreal.


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  1. I just checked and, according to Wikipedia, Mexico has a military consisting of roughly 223,000* members, serving in the Army, Air Force and Navy (including Marines). Of that number, only 160,000 are what would typically be thought of as “soldiers” in US parlance–the others would be “airmen” and “seamen” (in Mexico, it should be noted that people serving in both the Mexican Army and Air Force are known by the term “soldado” while people serving in the Navy are typically known by the term “marinero”; I wouldn’t think, however, that Mexico would offer any of its Air Force personnel to act as “border guards”). So IF Mexico actually did this (the story comes from Trump and therefore should be taken with a grain of salt large enough to feed the entire North American deer population for a decade), that means the country committed roughly 12.5% of its entire military force to guard the border on behalf of a foreign country. If a US president authorized that size of its military to defend a border for another country–ostensibly to prevent American citizens from going to that country–we just know how well that would go over with the American public.

    *Just a note, but the Spanish-language article on Mexico’s armed forces indicates there are more than 350,000 personnel serving in Mexico’s armed forces (240,000 in the army; 80,000 in the navy; 30,000 in the air force) plus approximately 65,000 reserves. Even with these numbers, I don’t buy that Mexico supplied anywhere near 28,000 “soldiers” for “border duty.”

  2. Granted, nobody can find jack-diddly-squat in the way of factual information backing up the turd emperor’s statement (I’m shocked I tell you) but given the amount of people stuck on the Mexico side of the wall unable to seek asylum in the U.S., I’d be surprised if the situation would be easily handled by the police force (s) in Mexico. It would make sense to send something equivalent to our National Guard (which might be their military) to assist in bringing order to their side of the border. That however would not be “more than a a couple of bucks” for the wall-it would be a chunk of change Mexico would be taking out of its budget to deal with a potentially dangerous situation created by the U.S. I don’t care how you try to spin that one, it ain’t any kind of money put toward that p.o.s. wall. If this happened, Mexico would be screaming for reimbursement for a bunch of soldier salaries and rightly so.

  3. You can depend on gravity and baby huey. Gravity keeps us on the planet, and baby keeps us neck deep in lies and stupidity.

  4. When so many people were watching a big event, the shadowing of the Sun in an eclipse, the warning was out, use indirect viewing with homemade viewing boxes, any kid would be glad to assemble, the cameras were everywhere at the White House, Pus Bucket, trundled out the door for his photo op, looking directly at the Sun … I have to wonder if his retina’s have recovered, or still bear the flaming idiot’s momentary super squinting moment …

    Some evening, someone could tell him the flashing light on a drone over a nearby neighborhood was taking pictures of some really important world leaders, forgetting to remind him about the 1000 foot drop off behind him was hidden by the night sky … the stupid clown that pushed his way through some conversing PM’s at a international meeting, was an awful thing to see, our supposed president demonstrating the most stupid thing ANYONE COULD DO AT THAT MOMENT, Trying to get his photo op with some international country’s smart leaders that actually new stuff, he could NEVER comprehend …

    His handling of international TRADE, another parade of zero knowledge, damage to the United States, screwed up trade with BOTH Canada AND Mexico, one of our longest standing Trade agreements, good for the North American continent, the list is long and painful, he botched more stuff than all the past 10 Presidents put together …

    You can’t fix stupid with duct tape, but you CAN quiet it down … (A tee shirt message)


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