If you ever need to give somebody a description of this time in history and how the two major political parties distinguished themselves, give them a copy of these two tweets side by side.

Biden/Harris are the soul of decency here. What more could anyone ask? The bitter, accusatory tone of Tim Murtaugh echoes what we hear every day, it’s all a Deep State plot, fake news, Trump’s enemies are after him, it’s not fair, waaaaaaahhh! What awful slings and arrows from the Democrats — and the RINOS — have driven Brad Parscale around the bend? I’m just assuming that it has something to do with the New York Times tax return bombshell — or maybe the timing is coincidental. But if I had to look for a root cause, or a last straw for Parscale’s angst, that is where I would start.


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  1. Bet you anything it’s the Lincoln Project that the Trump camp truly blames for this. Parscale was one of their first targets. Still…what scared Parscale so bad that he went this way?

    • Maybe the timing is coincidental. My theory is that when the NYT article on Trump’s taxes hit, Parscale became alarmed. The NYT is promising future articles. I’m wondering if Parsacla isn’t implicated in Trump’s financial dirt, to some level that we don’t know or suspect? If he is in trouble, and knows that the NYT knows, then that would explain his meltdown. Otherwise, I suppose something else we don’t know about set him off. Something did.

      • Well, two facts we DO know are that a) he blew through 800 million dollars with few effective results and b) he spent a good chunk of that money on himself. And it’s a safe bet to assume financial thievery of ANYONE in Trump’s orbit.

      • We can’t possibly know exactly why this happened, and it may well be a long-standing illness he has been battling. These things don’t happen from one day to the next; overcoming resistance to hurting yourself takes time.
        As someone who lost a family member to suicide, I don’t think anyone should be speculating. The hurt it causes the family when these speculations fly is truly horrible.
        Biden’s statement is perfect. For the world, It doesn’t matter why this happened, only for him and his family so he gets the help he needs. My heart goes out to him.

        • I feel you, P. My mom and I have a nasty suspicion that her sister checked out this year that way over despair of the COVID-19 thing. Only person who would know for sure why he did it is him.

          • Thanks, P. Mom’s also got my sister and brother-in-law for that too and it’s been rough on her. Her sister was the last of her siblings that she actually was close to. As I’m sure you know yourself, some days are easier than others for her.

          • I do know. I’m glad your sister and brother in law are there for her too. Loding a close sibling means losing the shared frame of reference and the person who helped create your memories. It may seem remote now, but the warmth and joy of that relationship will someday be able to at least coexist with the grief, and hopefully she will be able to revisit the warm moments more easily and have comfort from that.
            I wish your family healing.

      • You could be right…but I’m also not discounting the stress of “oh my god, I bought $4 million in real estate and luxury goods based on promises I know realize were lies, and I’ll be lucky to make $18 an hour at my next job.”

    • My take is it has been mentioned to Brad in no uncertain terms that Boss Putin is upset that he stole his campaign monies and it would be most unfortunate if he were to suffer an unforeseen “mishap”. Parscale couldn’t handle the pressure of looking over his shoulder. Now he’s safe in custody on a 5150.

      My advice……don’t go above the second floor in a building, avoid men with umbrellas, and always make your own tea.

  2. Threatening suicide is a very dangerous thing. I’m glad this guy Parscale is under a watch. However, I don’t think the LP ad or Democrats had anything to do with his problems. He sold his soul to Satan and that is probably his biggest problem. Too, who knows what crimes he has committed for Trump. With the defeat of Trump, Pascale could become the focus of criminal investigations.

    • WILL be…and the same goes for eveybody else in the Trump circle. The latter had better grab their guts with one hand and their lawyers with the other.

  3. Parscale was a data guy here in San Antonio before he got involved with trump. He never should have been picked as a campaign manager, he really knew nothing about political campaigns. Of course trump always picks the best like lewendowski, manafort, bannon, etc.. I suspect Parscale knows a bit about where the bodies are buried like how trump is siphoning off funds from his campaign to his personal accounts, and how the russians are using data to infiltrate the elections. I dont think he realized when he got started how dirty he would turn out.

  4. Nobody in the tRump campaign mentions all the baseless, snarky things tRump says about Joe Biden. It’s okay for them to be cruel and they always find a way to take a road lower than their last one. NO CLASS!

    • True, but ‘class’ isn’t what is needed. We didn’t send the men to Omaha beach with manners & a good argument. We sent them with guns willing to die for freedom & to stop Hitler. I still wonder when the ‘nice’ people in America will realize this is a life & death fight. Neither us, or our children will survive another 5 yrs of trump. He’s given the green light to the fossil fuel industry. Given where we are with climate change, that will be mass suicide & the end of our species. Period.


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