One can only imagine the scene in the Pence household right now, as news of Donald Trump nailing the coffin lid shut on his former vice president’s political career seeps in. If Mike Pence has a shred left of common sense, not to mention dignity, he will blow off seeking a presidential nomination. It’s not going to happen. If he can’t see that after today, then the man is either a masochist, or far too stupid to be president, or both.

Trump loves the Big Lie. He won’t let go of it. Chuck Schumer kicked in his two cents about that.

And of course Addison Mitchell McConnell III has his spin on how voter suppression bills are just swell and making it easy to vote is evil.

The GOP is committed to the Big Lie. McConnell made the right kind of noises at first, and he acknowledged the Biden/Harris win, but it’s several months later and back to business as usual. McConnell is defending the indefensible because he’s hoping that doing so will allow the party to survive. It is bare knuckles time in partisan politics — which it became, when the GOP sullied themselves and destroyed their legitimacy as a major party by putting the con man, showman at the top of their ticket.

Lindsey Graham said that if they nominated Donald Trump it would destroy the GOP and they would deserve it. But it goes beyond that. A crippled GOP is now going to destroy democracy. That’s where we are.



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  1. No, Donald. We would NOT have a “different president.” We’d have someone working to force his party to declare him king (if he were willing to settle for that humble a title; I’ve got a feeling he’d prefer “emperor”).

  2. The problem with Trump’s skewed narcissism, he COULD be happy, but we, as commoners, would be sickened by the man wearing nothing but that evil grin he bears when his actions are killing hundreds of thousands of citizens and he STILL manages to glean GOP support … a support hanging by a microscopic thread …

    There ARE so many EVIL voices in the Republican mob, they cannot shake their responsibility for the Capitol Building attack, via their adopted freak they kept in the WH …

    Trump is trying his damn best to assure the GOP WILL collapse and our Union is going to be left in a huge mess …. Trump is in his best form now, everything Trump touches gets destroyed …

  3. TRUMP IS CORRECT! And a true leader who doesn’t give a rats ass about the corrupt Left. And calls it like it is. The pedophile pervert and his sadistic HO stole the election thru fraudulent balloting and everyone knows it since Biden couldn’t attract enough folks to fill a phone booth at his RALLYS. Trump will be reinstated soon.

    • Trump doesn’t care about the left, the right or when it comes down to it his own family. He is the most corrupt President we’ve ever had (worse than all the others combined and that’s saying something when you think about Harding and Nixon!) and he will fuck over anyone, and I mean ANYONE including wannabe Princess Ivanka to keep his despicable ass out of jail.

    • I feel so sorry for you. To live with such hate. Your world must be miserable… when all you see is black & white, left & right, enemies everywhere… are you ever happy? Or is the only positivity you feel the momentary glee you receive when posting a mean-spirited comment to strangers on the internet? Also, by the way, Biden limited his rally’s because of COVID19. If your only evidence of election fraud is anecdotal nonsense like; “Biden had small rally’s therefore he couldnt have won”… well… all I can say is that is some stunningly basic thinking.

  4. I did the publicity for Vincent Bugliosi (Helter Skelter and acknowledged as “the world’s best prosectur< Manson Trial) for his last two books, and he was often asked about what motivated the killings in the name of Charlie Manson when none of the killers had any reason to murder their victims, and so brutally, as well. He would always say : it's a cult thing, they were hopelessly brainwashed." Even in prison, it would take years to wipe the stench of Manson out of their brains. Same as Trump followers.

  5. I can not believe anyone would vote for Biden and Harris. Talk about ruining a country they are doing. All we can do now is to pray for intervention.

    • So, let me get this straight. You support a corrupt, dishonest, destructive, ignorant, criminal sexual abuser who did everything he could to lie, cheat and steal his way into a second term? A totally incompetent buffoon who stood by and let over half a million people die because he was too insecure to tell the truth and deal with the pandemic the way it should have been? This is who you prefer? The objectively worst “president” this country has ever known? The person actively trying to destroy the democratic republic we all live in? This is what you are “praying” for?

      I’m sorry, but as Seth the Angel told Meg Ryan in ‘City of Angels’, “some things are true whether you believe in them or not”. And the truth is, the Donald lost the popular vote in two straight elections – fair and square – despite all his attempts at cheating, voter suppression and his active propaganda campaign. He’s going to prison and will be forever known as the person who single-handedly tried to destroy our country – with the help of his sycophants in the administration and Congress.

      I honestly feel sorry for you. Your uninformed and misguided view of the world seems sad to me. I hope you can learn to think critically at some point in your life and you can gain even a fraction of the amount of the common sense most of us are born with. And I hope you can release all of the anger and hatred that seems to be the main thing that motivates people like you. Love is so much easier and better, and requires so much less energy to maintain than all of that hate. You should try it. There are many good people here who would be happy to help, I’m sure. And I know, this was way more time and energy than this woman is worth, but I couldn’t help myself.


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