Trumpty Dumpty is feeling his oats right now. He’s gotten a lot of attention for the color commentary that he’s signed up to do Saturday night, 9/11, for which he boasts that he was paid an “obscene” amount. He boasts of “millions and millions” of dollars received and the perk of a private jet, that maybe he’ll use to visit the 9/11 crash sites or maybe not. This is a reality TV show return on steroids. It pains me to say it, but the obvious is the obvious. TMZ:

Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Trump says he’s making an “obscene” amount of money providing “live, alternative commentary” on the Evander Holyfield/Vitor Belfort fight. We’re told Triller, the media company behind the event, is paying a fortune … millions and millions for his blow-by-blow analysis, though our sources would not be more specific.

Here is Trump doing a promo for the fight and claiming how he’d love to beat up Joe Biden. Just when you thought the national discourse couldn’t go any further into the gutter, here comes Trump to give you a guided tour of the sewer system.

As I said yesterday, there’s been an uptick in his activity on social media and his scheduling of rallies and events. I think he’s actually going to announce his candidacy soon so that he can take over the media narrative. I’m not the least bit pleased to say it, any more than I would want to tell somebody their house is burning down, but there’s been a sea change in the past several days. Just in the past 24 hours he’s announced another rally, this one in Georgia, and that’s before the October 9 Iowa rally.

Tell me in the comments below if you think we’re on the verge of the second coming of Trump. Believe me, I want to be wrong. This isn’t going to be about Democrat v. Republican, this is going to be about democracy v. fascism.

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  1. If He Fought Biden ‘He’d Go Down In A Few Seconds’ ?
    That from an overweight and clinically obese guy who uses a golf cart to avoid having to walk up (or down) a hill

  2. Yes, unfortunately, I think you’re right. The loathsome oaf is getting warmed up to run, but as you’ve noted several times, as soon as he declares, his contributions are no longer under his control. However, if he declares, doesn’t that change his status with FB and Twitter? As a candidate doesn’t he have freer range with social media? God, I’d hate having to listen to his obscene blathering again. It’s been such a blissful time, not having to hear his constant inane BS and ranting every damned day.

  3. I personally wish, if it is the case that he declares himself, that the media does NOT give him all the free airtime they have in the past. I’m like Carol, he’s that last person I want to hear from.

  4. If he runs in 2024, he should have to sign a legal doc that the 2020 election was legitimately won by Biden. Otherwise the former guy is ineligible to run under the 22nd Amendment, which says you can only win the presidency twice.

  5. A deal he couldn’t refuse?

    Like for 13 cents?

    Like the time that Julius Lowenthal of ‘Spy’ magazine set up a company to send checks to grifting, grafting, greedy, grasping, ‘rich’ people to see if they’d cash them?

    And Dimwit Greedy Donny cashed a check for 13 cents.

  6. I doubt he’s getting “millions and millions” – unless it’s in burgers. I’d say giving him anything over a million is way overpaying him. $100K is more what he’s worth.

  7. Figures. A match up with a retired mixed martial arts fighter that retired after a number of performance enhancement drugs busts fighting a retired fighter who had little to say in the BASCO PED drug bust when he got steroids in the mail under the name of Evan Fields. Dunno, will the fighters give the Trump’s their PED’s or will Trump and Junior trade their stash? For the price of the Pay Per View of $49.95, I’ll read about it in the morning.

  8. Ok. So this bastard says on the very day of the worst,deadliest terrorist attack on our country that “now my building is the tallest”…and “patriots” made him president.HOW IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK! His statement that day 20 years ago should be everywhere tomorrow!!!!

  9. Is the promoter of this little shite fest as brain dead as the orange sh*t gibbon? Sure, the guy will make something from whatever he gets from P.P.V. but it will be not much over what it will cost to put the silly thing on. There will not be “millions and millions” going to the promoter so unless he just gets wood every time sh*t gibbon opens his mouth, sh*t gibbon won’t be getting much.

    I would like to see the financials for this fiasco in the making. It be better than the Sunday funny papers.


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