This is enough to give you whiplash. First, Donald Trump did his cease-and-desist letter, over the weekend because he didn’t want anybody but him fundraising off his name, then Ronna McDaniel made nice nice with him and got the big RNC shindig set up for April. That was just today. Now, Monday night, Trump issues one of his edicts from Mar-a-Lago and he’s apparently doing an end run around the GOP and planning to keep all the fundraising money himself.

That is pretty straight forward. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, just send all the fundraising cash directly to Donald J. Trump.

This is going to mushroom, like an H-bomb cloud, mark my words. Trump will set himself up as arbiter of who gets money and who doesn’t — and yes, his pets will be on the list, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, you know the bunch. But, Trump will stiff them all and you know that too. So the GOPers won’t be able to campaign, if the base sends all the money straight to Trump.

This is going to be hilarious to watch. Ronna McDaniel is probably washing down Valium with scotch right now, McConnell is steaming, McCarthy is screaming, they’re all going to go crazy. Better send Lindsey down to play some golf and do some damage control.



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  1. All his dip shi÷ness wants to do is get money to pay off all the horrendously huge debt he owes. He figures that this is how he does it. Screw the Republicans and his supporters. Douche bag.

    • That’s exactly it. And they’re too stupid to see it, apparently. This is going to blow sky high. I’m sure the phone lines to Mar-a-Lago are burning up right now.

  2. Quite the scheme…….now all Republicans will have to come to Trump and grovel and kiss his fat ass for campaign money.

    He alone decides who gets it, if he doesn’t just keep it all for himself after they grovel.

    Couldn’t happen to a.more deserving bunch af dirt stupid assholes.


  3. The parasite finally makes the take-over bid for the host, with full takeover imminent.

    He’ll discard the husk when he’s bled it dry.

  4. Wow. I mean…he’s trying to steal an entire political party. But so blatantly. It’s so dumb, lol. It’s like Mel Brooks wrote a movie that Stanley Kubrick is directing.

  5. It’s a certainty he’ll siphon off money for his ‘expenses’ in handling the aforementioned money. Mow, if he uswes to pay off his personal debt, then the tax man will probably class that as income and land him with more debt – and the FEC will no doubt take a long hard look at what is being spent, where and why.

    No doubt he believes he’s untouchable – but he’s in for a very rude awakening (hopefully very shortly) as he simply can’t underatand that every penny ‘donated’ will have to be accounted for. You’d think he would have learnt his lesson when his ‘charity’ got shut down for the same thing, but he’s that shallow and vain to believe he can still get away with his con games

  6. File under “things as predictable as the sunrise.” I mean, how else is he going to raise money for his legal defense (or getaway plane)?

  7. This is so wonderful. He’s literally going to starve GOP organizations and candidates across the country making them less competitive in 2022 because he’s so greedy. I love it!


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