Since I already predicted last week that the national discourse was headed for depths of depravity yet unplumbed in the months to come, as we ramp up to Election 2020, I’m not going to characterize this newest statement of Trump’s as anything other than reasonably foreseeable. Today, the pompous ass, schoolyard Bully in Chief spoke about killing ten million people.

Rex Tillerson called Trump a “fucking moron” and actually, that may have been too charitable an assessment. Hearken back a few weeks to his remarks on July 1. Radio Free Europe:

U.S. President Donald Trump has described Afghanistan as a “lab for terrorists,” saying in a television interview that if the United States withdrew its military forces from the country, he would still leave a “very strong intelligence” presence behind. “I call it the Harvard of terrorists.”

Trump made the remarks in an interview conducted during the weekend with Fox News that was broadcast on July 1.

The interview was recorded before a truck-bomb attack by Taliban fighters in Kabul on July 1 that killed at least six people and wounded 105.

Trump told Fox News he wanted to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

But he said he was concerned that without a U.S. military presence there, Afghanistan could be used as a base for terrorist attacks on the United States.

He described conversations he had with U.S. military officials who warned him it would be better to fight terrorists in Afghanistan than at home.

“‘Sir, I’d rather attack them over there, than attack them in our land,'” Trump said one general had told him.

“It’s something you always have to think about,” Trump said about the general’s remarks.

The “general” is a myth that exists only in Trump’s mind. Canadian journalist Daniel Dale is a fact checker for CNN and he recently reported that when Trump tells an anecdote with the word “Sir” it is invariably fiction. Trump frequently morphs into David Dennison, John Barron mode, and just starts making s*it up, to suit the occasion, and “Sir” is his tell. Huffington Post:

Dale wrote in The Washington Post last year how “you can almost sense when a lie is coming” after listening to Trump “long enough.”

“If Trump tells a story in which an unnamed person calls him ‘sir,’ it’s probably invented,” said the former reporter for The Toronto Star. “If Trump claims he has set a record, he probably hasn’t. If Trump cites any number at all, the real number is usually smaller.”

This is a good clip and worth the watching because it conveys Trump’s vagueness, to the point of incomprehensibility, punctuated by outright falsehood. The man is a blithering idiot. If his lips are moving, rest assured, he’s confused, ill-informed and dissembling. At least in reality teevee world, he was scripted. On his own, he’s, to use one of his 200 vocabulary words, a “disaster.”


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  1. Far better generals than Tr*mp have tried that, and they (and their armies) failed. Alexander the Great only got peace by having his army marry the local women. Britain lost two armies trying it.

    • A guy on Twitter just pointed that out to me and I said, conclusively, that Trump never heard of Alexander the Great. His stunning ignorance of world history and even modern history never fails to astonish me. Shades of Sarah Palin. I liked John McCain well enough, but his foisting Palin onto the American political scene only served to tee up this shitshow kakistocracy in Washington.

      • I read a book about the history of attempts to conquer Afghanistan, “Into the Land of Bones” by Frank Holt. It’s a very very difficult country to conquer.

    • A bit of verse from Kipling sums up the folly of conquering the place: “When you’re wounded on Afghanistan’s plains,/And the women come out to cut up what remains,/Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,/And go to your Gawd like a soldier.”

  2. How the f*ck does he think the Taliban would get here? They don’t have a seaport, and they don’t have an air force.
    Tr*mp is so stupid he should have gotten a Darwin award decades ago.

    • Minor points, when the purpose of the comment was to generate fear and keep the base thinking that Trump is protecting them.

      • And does it make you feel any more afraid than you already are, Ursula? Personally, I think what he’s REALLY trying to stir up is panic. Panicked people are far more prone to mistakes.

        • One of Trump’s nemeses, Omarosa, said that Trump is definitely out to create fear. She says that the chanting at the rallies is all staged, that sort of thing. Trump is playing us. It’s tragic that there are so many unhappy and lost souls in America that they cling to a creature like him. I remain stunned.

  3. This moron dropping one lousy MOAB in the middle of nowhere is enough to make him think he’s General Patton. He was anything like his boasts, we’d be at war with Iran, Venezuela AND the planet Mars right now.

  4. I foresee an all-nighter for Trump, watch the drawn-out chat with Mueller, then just try to put together a stupid tweet that even microscopically makes a dent in his testimony … Trump, between his lack of sleep, massive injection of Adrenalin and just plain massive stress will bump him another notch lower into the jaws of total despair … we cannot and should not wait that long to Trump, Trump … continue to bombard him with his own stupidity …


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