Maybe there’s a shortage of Adderall. Trumpty Dumpty is wound up tighter than a spring and lashing out bigly at his enemies, the FBI and Big Tech.

We’ve heard it all before, unfortunately. We’ve all grown layers of nerve tissue, not to mention cotton in our ears. We can’t even hear Donald Trump’s actual words anymore. It’s just one big whine the minute he opens his mouth.

Trumpty Dumpty felt the need for another campaign ad today and so without further ado, we give you three minutes of his usual bloviating bombast. The more things change the more they are the same. And Trump never changes, he just gets worse.

If you made it through three and a half minutes, it’s exactly the same pitch he gives every day at Mar-a-Lago to anybody who will listen. If there is one original thought or new fact in this diatribe, I missed it.

So what are we to conclude? The base loves Trump so much that they delight in hearing the same old $hit, different day?

This might not be all campaign ad. It might be a means of deflecting from his own criminal prosecutions. That’s the reason for use of the term Deep State. If he can convince MAGA it’s all a plot against him, that’s his best posture.

Deep State and Tech Tyrants, all oppressing MAGA. Paranoia runs deep. Should be an intriguing election as we get closer to it.


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  1. We’re at the point where like Rudy and the “A noun, a verb and 911” Trump can be defined with “Delusions, Lies and MAGA.” (Folks should feel free to come up with their own creations)

  2. As John prine sang in a song Some People Ain’t Human…you open up their hearts and this is what you’ll find…beer tabs, an ice cube with hair, and a broken popsicle…you don’t want to go there. Some people really aren’t human.

  3. I didn’t even click on it. I get physically ill at the sound of his reedy sing-song voice.
    I want them to lock him up just so we don’t have to hear from/about him again.


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