This strikes me as a Freudian slip moment plus an egregious blunder in professional responsibility. Never before have I see or heard a person’s lawyer (albeit on a different case) say that they thought their client was going to be found guilty in the case which was being presently tried. This is something that you simply do not do. But it does make sense why people like Tim Parlatore and Joe Tacopina jumped ship long ago. They could see the personalities involved and they knew full well that Alina Habba was Trump’s “television lawyer” and not the real thing. The two of them were not television lawyers so they skedaddled.

This is extremely bizarre what you have just seen here. If the phone wires aren’t burning up between Todd Blanche and Habba right now, I would be very surprised. Blanche is in the process of putting on his case in chief before the jury and another Trump lawyer pollutes the public image of the trial like this and says that she thinks Trump will lose? Is she out of her mind? She’s undercutting Trump and the trial on TV right now.

Not only that, she is also undercutting the New York judicial system, if not the rule of law in the country as a whole. She goes out of her way to mention “blue state” so that pretty much does imply that the State of New York is not upholding the laws the way it should. This is disastrous for any lawyer, as an officer of the court, to say this kind of thing. I’m falling over watching this.

I don’t think Donald is going to like this when he hears it and I truly think Blanche is going to pop a vessel. Let me just say this: I can’t think of any trial lawyer I have ever known in my life who would be okay with a colleague going on national television and saying that she thought the case that he was currently trying would be lost — when the jury just got empaneled and the trial has only just begun a few days prior, no less. This is pure sabotage in the court of public opinion and unless Habba and Blanche (and Trump) have agreed that that’s how they want to play this, this is really way too far out there.

And while Trump is crazy enough to want to pitch the trial as “rigged” I’m sure that Blanche believes that he can persuade the jury to at least a hung jury status or a mistrial. If he doesn’t believe that, then he’s not worth what he’s being paid. Because that’s how trial lawyers do these things. They make the jury like them, trust them, believe them.

This is a strange faux pas for Alina, coming on the heels of what is now being called “celerygate.” Maybe Alina is cutting vegetables on TV as part of her new career, she’s starting a cooking show. If you missed the details of that pissing contest, Alina was sawing on celery with a dull chef’s knife (Pro tip: use a chukobocho, which is a Japanese cleaver knife. It slices through veggies like butter and you cut on an angle, not like she was doing it) and Ron Filipkowski, editor of Meidas Touch posted on it and Alina went nuts and did a provocative response with an avocado — which brought this response from Ben Meiselas.

Habba is on TV, with her phosphorescent cheerleader grin, undermining Todd Blanche’s case and publicly saying on the airwaves that Trump will lose. Ben Meiselas might be right, she might be mentally unstable.

I think that it has sunken in the past few days that Habba is despised. Maybe it was Filipkowski’s celery gate commentary that pushed her over the edge — like the wooden board that she lacks the common sense to keep stable. (And if you want to get technical, she’s using a *carving* board to chop vegetables, not a *cutting* board and we can discuss those details if you want.)

You don’t use a dull knife and let the board slip around. This is nuts. For Habba to be so clueless that she would post this on social media is what’s funny. And obviously she doesn’t think that the pushback is funny.

She cooks like she practices law, which is to say, badly.

In all events, expect this little bon mot session with Greg Kelly to explode. This was very ill advised.

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    • The HOUSE OF TRUMP, is getting into position to fall completely flat … He lied his way into politics, completely stupid and totally inept as a President … So NOW, he cannot lie under oath and expect to fool anyone anymore … Just spend MORE time in prison for lying under oath …

      His giant EGO will be tested in so many ways, no where to run, no one left that wants to be his savior, no one that can stand his personal odors … No more back-slapping ATA-BOY, moments for Trump, All alone, except for the SS team around him …

      The neatest thing I can start seeing, it is ok to lambast him, call him out for his cheating at golfing, using the, “L” word, “LOSER”, will be something that comes a little later, as it is SO STRONG against Trump, he might curl up in a ball of, “POOR ME”, whine after whine …

      It’s preposterous that he might escape a prison sentence … We used to hang, shoot, or send traitors to the gas chamber, NOW, the gloves must come off, the little blue book of our treasured Constitution, explains what the president’s office does need to do or NOT do as a sitting president of our united states … Trump is SO guilty of many things, one of the most abused functions in Trump’s imitation of a sitting president, “The President shall NOT lie to the Citizens”, his tens of thousands of lies, are enough to sink his boat, his lies lead to people dying from the Pandemic and defending the Capital …

      Trump’s in deeper water every day, he is beginning get some water splashed across his face, as he is standing on his toes …

  1. “(Pro tip: use a chukobocho, which is a Japanese cleaver knife. It slices through veggies like butter and you cut on an angle, not like she was doing it)”

    Nitpick but, you really only cut celery (or other vegetables) on an angle for specific reasons. If you’re just doing something like preparing a mirepoix or the Cajun “holy trinity” or you just need the veggies diced or minced, she’s doing the cutting in a generally correct manner (leaving aside the issues of the type of knife, the actual cutting technique and the position of the board). If, on the other hand, you’re preparing something where you want tender, or al dente, veggies that retain their general appearance (like a stir-fry or a “chunky” soup), then the “slice on an angle” method is better. (And, let’s face it: If you’re just cutting vegetables for a stock, a very rough chop–with absolutely no concern for what the veggies look like–is all that’s needed.)
    All the pros I’ve ever seen (going back to Julia Child and Graham Kerr) have generally chopped their veggies with the veggies perpendicular to them and in a straight up-and-down manner rather than on an angle unless the veggies need a different cut.

  2. Is there any possibility this twit’s statement could cause problems down the road should dingle berry decide to appeal any guilty verdict (s)? She is not bright, that is a given for exactly the reason given by Meiselas, although it has got to be difficult to find folks capable of breathing on their own AND dumber than trump. But that said, is she this stupid? Did she get marching orders from trump and/or his attorneys?

  3. A, “Chopping Block”, is something made with glued-up pieces of wood, with all end-grain showing on top, so the knife edge can do little damage to the block itself, while still dividing parts of meat or veggies with firm strokes on the knife …

    The meat guys can have massive chopping blocks in their back rooms for cutting larger sections of meat safely …

    Household cutting boards are now made of hard cast plastic and some have liquid director grooves around the edge … These sheets of plastic come in different colors and sizes, their surface is so tough, hardly ANY knife will cut into them, easy to keep clean and store on edge behind things that sit on a counter …


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